Pet Den
Bathing and grooming your dog
Do you like being unclean? We know your answer... it’ll naturally be
a big ‘NO’. Everyone likes to be clean. This goes for animals too. They
also like to be clean and healthy. They also want to look good and smell
nice. But, they can’t clean themselves the way we do.
Their owners, that means you, have the responsibility of keeping them
clean. Haven’t your mothers advised you not to bathe in the evening or
not to come out of the bath too soon? They obviously would have done so,
many times.

That is because, if you don’t bathe the proper way, you are likely to
end up being sick. Likewise, there is a proper way of bathing animals
too. It’s not just applying shampoo and putting some water on them.
Today our Veterinary Surgeon, Dr D.A.U. Samankumara of the
Kirindiwela Animal Clinic advises you about the correct way of bathing
your pet.
Bathing a dog not only keeps the animal clean, but it also increases
the blood supply to its coat, helping it have a healthy and shiny coat.
Bathing helps remove the ticks and fleas in the coat, while also
removing the unpleasent odour of the dog.
But these benefits don’t mean that you should bathe your dog each and
every day. This would reduce the natural oil content of the coat, giving
it a rough, dry look. You should bathe your dog only once every
fortnight. Small, milking puppies who are less than two weeks old, weak
dogs and ill dogs should be bathed only at the right time(after
consulting a vet).
We can divide dogs into two categories.
1. Dogs with long fur
2. Dogs with short fur
Different breeds require different ways and different schedules of
bathing. With long-haired dogs like Pomeranians, Chaw-chaws and Collies,
you should make sure that you dry them properly after the bath. It will
take a long time for them to dry; so, the best option is to bathe them
on a sunny day.
Dogs with short fur such as Dobermann Pinschers, Dalmatians and Great
Danes do not need much attention as with those with long fur. But they
too should be bathed on a sunny day. They should not be bathed too early
in the morning or too late in the afternoon.
You should bathe puppies only after they are three weeks old. Their
first bath should be just a sponging with warm water. The head of
puppies should not be bathed to prevent water going into their ears and
infecting them. It is rather common for dogs to catch an ear infection.
They should not be bathed with handshowers or hose-pipes as water could
go into their ears. A better option is to put a shower cap on them.
You should use soap or shampoo to wash their coats, as there is a
possibility of them getting dandruff. However, you should be careful not
to use soap which contains Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as one of its
ingredients. These soaps can damage your dog’s coat.
Always use soap that has Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) and pH balance
between 5.5-7. If you don’t dry your dog’s coat after the bath, it will
get dandruff.
Your dog’s bath time is the ideal time to check for external
parasites. If there are any ticks, consult your veterinary surgeon and
get medication. If you bathe your pet every day because of its
unpleasant odour, think twice about this practice. It will not be very
good for the animal’s coat and could even increase its unpleasant odour.
Just as much as bathing, grooming your pet is also important. So,
brush your dog’s coat properly and check for dandruff and external
parasites. When brushing your dog’s coat, first brush it the wrong way
(in upward direction, i.e. from tail to head), then in the right
direction. It’s better to brush daily. Don’t use strong perfumes on your
dog. It’s not good for its sensitive nose.
If you want to darken the colour of its coat, there are many shampoos
available which could do the trick. Get instructions from your dog’s
veterinary surgeon however, before you experiment with such products.
- Janani Amarasekara
I love Mitty and Bitty
There are two kittens in my house. They are Bitty and Mitty. They are
twins. They have grey and yellow spots. Bitty has yellow spots on its
neck, while Mitty has yellow spots on its head. I have tied beautiful
ribbons around their necks, so, I know which one is Bitty and which one
is Mitty.
I give them chicken, fish and milk. They also have a chair to sleep
on. It is very difficult to get photographs of my pets because they
don’t like the camera and run under my bed whenever I take my camera
I love Mitty and Bitty and they also love me a lot.
D. P. Suvimali Jayasinghe, Grade 6, Sirimavo
Bandaranaike Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 7.
Faithful Blacky
My pet is a dog. It is a Dobermann. Its name is Blacky as it is black
in colour. It’s very small. Blacky is very faithful to me. Its favourite
game is hide and seek. I love Blacky very much.
Madara Pavani Abeyweera, Weerapokuna VMMV,
My pet
My pet is a dog. Its name is Pinky. My pet is white and black and
very beautiful. I love my pet.
Isuru Aravinda Jayasundera, Grade 2, Oasis
International School, Colombo 12.
Playful Lasy
My pet is named Lasy. It has a white, smooth coat. It’s small and
looks like a ball. Lasy has a long tail with black and white spots. It
has a lovely pink nose while its tongue is also pink. It’s very
beautiful.Lasy likes to drink milk. It’s very playful. I love my darling
Lasy; it also adores me.
L. W. Ashinsa Ronali, Grade 6, Kuliyapitiya
Central College.