Sri Lankan peacekeeper honoured
The United Nations honoured peacekeepers from over forty Member
States who laid down their lives during the year 2007.
In recognition of their service and as a tribute to the fallen
blue-helmets, the United Nations posthumously awarded ninety
peacekeepers with the United Nations Dag Hammarjoeld Medal at a ceremony
held in the United Nations Headquarters in New York on May 30.
Sri Lankan Peacekeeper, Lance Coporal A. Jayantha, who died, while
serving in the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) was among
those honoured.
Ambassador Prasad Kariyawasam, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka
to the United Nations accepted the Dag Hammarjoeld Medal, on behalf of
the Government and the Sri Lanka Army. The United Nations also marked
sixty-years of peacekeeping since its first-ever peacekeeping Mission
was deployed in the Middle East in 1948. |