The right war
Battle against climate changes:
June 5th is World Environment Day
By Shanika Sriyananda
[email protected]
Pin drop silence. All are in slumber, one can hear her screaming...
crying and apologizing too... For the past few decades she has been
pleading for her life.
Being the ‘Most beautiful’ woman in the world, her struggle is now to
survive, not to retain her fading beauty: In this world, which is
getting hotter and hotter, the blue lace cover which protects her from
the powerful rays of the sun has burnt her skin.
Listen... she, mother nature, who loves her children and gives the
best for them, is now pleading for justice not from any one, but from
her own children, who are squeezing her neck.
Abused and raped for the sake of ‘development’ she takes deep breaths
making the earth shatter. When people hurt her, mother nature, will
shake the world, with floods, earth tremors, and disasters like the
tsunami. She punishes us bringing the most unforgettable changes in her
Starting from the tsunami to Hurricane Katrina to Myanmar to China,
recording the world’s worst ever disasters in recent history, is Mother
Nature trying to tell her story or warn us about impending disasters?
Or is she ‘influencing’ her children to take speedy actions to repair
the damage and keep a tab on future disasters?
Now the frightening challenge her children are facing is, the threat
of global warming that steadily destroys the environment. Global warming
has become the main culprit for many natural disasters triggered by
For centuries, heat trapping gases in the environment have kept the
balance in the atmosphere. During bright sunshine they absorbed these
gases carefully to maintain the required warmth that support life on
earth. With the craving for more comforts of this modern world, humans
have started releasing these gases into the atmosphere. The excalating
population has axed millions of trees reducing the forest cover- the
fine natural heat absorbents of Mother Nature.
Now all these gasses have made Mother Nature breathless. The problem
is that over the last century, we humans have been releasing more and
more carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.
These gases, emitted far beyond their limits, have destroyed the
eco-balance of the existence of Mother Nature.
A spate of disasters have hit countries around the world. According
to many scientific researchers, the world in the future would face more
devastating disasters unless all the countries get together to put a
‘durable’ lid on green house gases emitting from fuel burning power
generation, transportation and over logging of forest cover and other
‘grave’ crimes against nature.
Can we justify the global warming as a natural disaster? No, it is
better to use the term ‘human-caused global warming’. The serious
threats from increased flooding to earth slips to tremors to the spread
of deadly disease to losses in agricultural production in many parts of
the world cannot be overlooked.
“It is important to tap these gases”, the scientists are blowing the
warning sirens while the world is getting hotter and hotter. Minutes are
ticking by, taking us closer to more disasters predicted by them.
The situation cannot be taken lightly. We are now living in the 10th
most warmest year on record since 1990. According to scientific
predictions over 50 million people around the globe will be displaced by
2010 due to weather induced flooding, rising of sea levels, dried up
aquifers, desertification and other changes in the eco-system.
The scientists in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
claim that in the absence of meaningful actions to cap the green house
gases, the temperature could increase by more than 7 degrees Faranheit
by the end of the century.
Climate change and its consequences on Mother Nature is a ‘popular’
topic that has got international attention. But who can really stop it?
The simple answer would be world political leaders, world business
giants and scientists. But do you ever value ‘your’ contribution towards
‘cooling’ Mother Nature.
Yes. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) you can do
heaps. It is just like how ‘drops of water makes the mighty ocean’. Your
little efforts step by step carefully taken will make a change in this
See the box above for the ways you can reduce the adverse health
impacts from climate change, to help the polar bears on the mountains of
Northern Spain to commence hibernation, to save the ‘magical’ coral reef
barriers and to preserve many local species on the brink of extinction.
“Save the world, make it a better place for you, and for me and the
entire human race”. Act now! - Do not delay Start your war against
climate change straight away.
Climate shifts
* Rising sea levels, leading to more coastal erosion, flooding during
storms, and permanent inundation
* Increased drought and increased incidence of wildfires
* Severe stress on many forests, wetlands, alpine regions, and other
natural ecosystems
* Impacts on human health as mosquitoes and other disease-carrying
insects and rodents spread diseases over larger geographical regions
* Disruption of agriculture in some parts of the world due to
increased temperature, water stress, and sea-level rise in low-lying
areas such as Bangladesh or the Mississippi River delta
Other projected impacts include increased intensity of hurricanes;
the long-term destabilization of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice
sheets, leading to much greater sea level rise; the acidification of the
world’s oceans; and a vastly increased rate of species extinction.
Wonders such as the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon could collapse
under the weight of just a few more degrees. And hundreds of millions of
people may be forced from their homelands as the climate shifts,
creating increased political and economic instability.
Your Health Your World
Act Now!
Buy energy efficient appliances
Calculate your personal carbon footprint
Debate, discuss and distribute
Enjoy the sun!
Fridge - don’t leave fridge doors open for longer than necessary.
Go Green! If you have to buy a car, buy a fuel-efficient,
environmentally friendly one.
Half your emissions
Involve your family
Join an environmental group
Kick start an environmental campaign
Lamps - replace the bulbs you use most with compact fluorescent
Minimize the use of toxic chemicals.
Network with specialized agencies, non-profit organizations and
engaged communities.
Off - Turn off televisions, videos, stereos and computers when they
are not in use.
Plant trees
Quit plastic bags
Recycle, repair and reuse materials
Save paper
Travel smart reduce air travel
Use less energy and conserve more of it!
Value wastes!
Write letters about the health impacts of climate change to the local
Xpress your concerns on environmental health issues and solutions and
stay informed.
Your president, prime minister, parliamentarian or local leader needs
to know about the impacts of climate change on health.
Zoom in reducing emissions - It is the best way forward!
- World Health Organization