President makes 'Mission Impossible'
Many countries, including the
superpowers have been making desperate attempts to eradicate terrorism.
The global focus on terrorism was intensified after the 9/11 attack and
there was one voice against terrorism across the globe.
Sri Lanka had been experiencing bitter results due to terrorism, long
before the 9/11 attack. At the early stages of LTTE terrorism in Sri
Lanka, many countries saw it in a different perspective, perhaps
branding it as a freedom movement, fighting for the rights of a minority
There were plenty of reasons for some countries to believe in such
manner as the strong LTTE worldwide propaganda network had worked
overtime portraying a different picture which is far from the actual
situation in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka and its people suffered untold hardships due to LTTE
Until it's barbaric leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was killed and his
outfit was completely wiped out, terrorism had done an irreparable
damage to Sri Lanka, its people, economy and sovereignty of our country
for nearly three decades.
It was under the fearless and dynamic leadership of President Mahinda
Rajapaksa that the Security Forces embarked on a task which many
believed to be 'mission impossible'. The far-reaching political
leadership of the President, coupled with the right military strategies
under the guidance of Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, was the key
to Sri Lanka's success in putting a permanent end to Prabhakaran and his
outfit's ruthless acts of terror.
In doing so, the little Indian Ocean island of Sri Lanka has proved
to the world that terrorism should and could be defeated. As President
Rajapaksa had emphasized before the United Nations General Assembly two
years go, terrorism in any part of the world is terrorism and should be
defeated in equal fashion.
Despite many devastating attacks, killing thousands of innocent
people, certain Western media still refer to LTTE cadres as rebels and
insurgents. Even with solid proof on terrorist activities carried out by
the LTTE certain media and a few countries still show a little
reluctance to accept the bitter fact that the Tiger movement was a
terror outfit.
In spite of all such elements attempting to disrupt Sri Lanka's
forward march, the Government and the Security Forces have beaten all
odds to teach the world what Sri Lanka's capabilities are all about.
Thus, Sri Lanka is the first and the only country to defeat terrorism
and it could proudly take the leadership in the global battle against
However, sinister campaigns, both local and international, are still
on to tarnish Sri Lanka's image. There had been enough and more such
attempts during the Security Forces' humanitarian operations in the
North and East. Even at the eleventh hour before Prabhakaran's death,
some groups and organisations unsuccessfully tried to rescue him.
Right throughout the humanitarian campaign, certain countries and
INGOs repeatedly showed extraordinary concern on civilians living in the
North and East. But the very same countries and the INGOs did not utter
a word when the LTTE exploded bomb after bomb, brutally killing
thousands of innocent civilians from all walks of life.
The same people are now playing a different tune, showing great
concerns over camps of displaced persons and their welfare. As President
Rajapaksa has clearly pointed out, no country or organisation should
have a greater feeling for the displaced persons in the North than the
Government of Sri Lanka.
Those innocent civilians are our own people, our own brothers and
sisters in Sri Lanka. It is our duty to look after them and lend a
helping hand to get back to normal life. As a responsible Government
which is only accountable for its people, Sri Lanka is making every
endeavour to afford a better life to displaced persons.
The flood situation in the North, due to torrential rains, is now
being used as a 'weapon' to discredit the Government. Not only certain
elements against Sri Lanka, but also some bankrupt local opposition
politicians have joined the bandwagon.
One should understand that these people have been displaced not due
to a fault of the Government but because of merciless terrorist
activities of the LTTE. The Tiger terrorists who proclaimed that they
are the sole representatives of the Tamils, brought nothing but agony to
their own community.
Ultimately, it is the Government that has to pay for the sins of the
LTTE and for the narrow political decisions by the then Prime Minister
and current Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe.
The 2001-2004 Government of Wickremesinghe signed the controversial
Ceasefire Agreement (CFA), granting wider powers of a legal Government
to a terrorist group for the first time in the world!
It is no secret how terrorists used the cover of the CFA to regroup
and intensify their terror activities. All those sophisticated weapons
found during the recent humanitarian operation had been acquired by the
LTTE during that period. If not for the 'freedom' and legal status
granted to the LTTE by Wickremesinghe regime, the Security Forces would
not have found it difficult to beat the LTTE.At least at this very late
stage, the UNP should act as a responsible opposition and extend its
support to the Government to provide a better tomorrow for the people in
the North under Uthuru Wasanthaya.
The UNP vote base has eroded drastically, decreasing it to as low as
15% in Uva. Wickremesinghe's leadership could well take it to 10% at the
forthcoming Southern Provincial Council elections. If the UNP continue
to play dirty politics and look for short cuts to regain power, people
will teach them another unforgettable lesson in the South. |