Focus on local sugar cane cultivation
The price of sugar globally has shot up due to
the use of large quantities of sugarcane to manufacture ethanol, a
cheap bio fuel, said Chairman, Sugar Research Institute (SRI), Dr.
C.S. Weeraratne. He said many countries have increased the acreage
of sugarcane cultivation to produce biofuel which is a viable
alternative to the costly thermal energy.
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Coconut fibre joins band of steady exports
The coconut fibre industry, one of the oldest
cottage industries has joined the band of exporters, bringing in the
much needed foreign exchange. The industry provides a plenty of
employment opportunities and at the same time supports the growth of
the rural economy.
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High penetration of financial services
The outreach of financial services is high in
Sri Lanka with 82.55% of households having use the services offered
by financial institutions, revealed the Microfinance Report 2009.
The report said that customer preference is strong for state owned
institutions with 47% and 36% of the households saving in People’s
Bank and the Bank of Ceylon.
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