Home nursing services from Nawaloka Hospitals
Nawaloka Hospitals have introduced a home nursing service which
ensures that your loved one is taken care of at your own door step.
Specially trained Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurse aids are provided,
offering a round the clock service, with shifts being arranged
Patients of any age and type could be looked after, with the special
Nawaloka touch.
'Our nursing aids will be in constant contact about their patient's
problems with the Sister-in-Chrge of the Medical Intensive Care Unit of
the Hospital', said Director/General Manager Nawaloka Hospital,
Professor Lal Chandrasena. Specialized nursing procedures such as
urinary catheterization, insertion of nasogastric tubes could also be
carried out by experienced nurses from Nawaloka Hospital within one's
own home.
'As they grow old most people want to continue living in their
familiar surroundings.
Their adult children often become their primary care givers, but when
patients become progressively difficult to take care of or when the
responsibility of full time attention becomes too overwhelming, families
need to consider professionals and indeed there are many advantages to
receiving health care at home'.
Professor Chandrasena stressed the fact that for many aged people
disorientation was a common phenomenon, therefore the preferred option
was for them to remain in familiar surroundings without having their
lives disrupted by a move.
They have the attention of caregivers who are solely concerned with
their particular health needs and it is less expensive than care given
in nursing homes or hospitals. Prof. Chandrasena said that treatments
that hitherto could only be given within a hospital, were now commonly
performed within one's home.
'Our home nursing service will provide efficient, dependable and
affordable health care, in the comfort of your own home with the most
stringent standards in hygiene being adhered to.
There is now no need to rush to a hospital, as you could avail
yourselves of the services of ICU trained nurses at your doorstep'.