How to have a little better understanding of men
Step 1
Yes you read a magazine and it told you that you look like crap if
you don’t look like this skinny chick in the picture. You read that you
need to do this yoga routine or you need to wear this make-up. You are
trying to change something about yourself. That is great.
Stop trying to bring us along. We do not want to go to yoga. We don’t
want to stop drinking beer so we can drop a few pounds. We don’t want to
feel like doing all these new things when the old things are just fine.
Stop trying to force it.
Here is a tip: Go. Go out with your friends, have fun. Go to yoga,
learn how to put your leg behind your head, eventually he will want to
know how you are learning these things and will willingly go with you.
Step 2
Just because he has a female friend, it doesn’t mean he is doing her.
You may just have a good dude. He’s kind, he’s considerate, he listens
to you. You find yourself wishing that more men were like him. Then you
find out that there are other ladies that think the same thing.
UH-OH!! He has female friends!!! You’ve got to put an end that
immediately, right? So badger him about where he goes with them or what
he talks to them about, give him the old “It’s either them or me!”
Stop it! Don’t act like you don’t have any male friends, even though
you are in a relationship, you hypocrite you. On top of that you want
your dude to be cool with it, why is it okay for you, but not for him?
Stop being so paranoid, he is not having sex with them.
Stop and use your brain for a second. Are you physically attracted to
your male friends? If not, why do you those women are physically
attracted to your dude? Chill, and leave him alone about it. Trying to
make him get rid of his female friends is a good way to lose your man,
and drive him into the home of one of those ladies he is talking about
all the crap you are giving him.
Step 3
Not ALL men are ruled by their ****. Hard to believe, right, but it’s
true. So stop treating your dude like he is an untamable nympho. Yeah,
when you’re around, he might always seem ready to go, but did you ever
think that it’s because he is really into you? Maybe YOU turn him on,
and it’s not just him reacting to the fact that a pulsating vagina is
Yes we men are very sexual creatures. It’s true that when we are with
a woman that they love, we can’t manage to keep our hands to ourselves,
but we can actually function without sex. It’s just as much mental as it
is physical.
We (for the most part) don’t just run around looking for a hole to
plug. Listen, you can be the hottest chick in the world, but if you open
your mouth and all I hear is ‘duh duh duh’, all that hotness goes out
the window. So give us some freaking credit.
Men don’t have ulterior motives. If a man says that he wants some
space, he is not saying that he wants you to figure out what is wrong.
He is not asking for MORE attention. He really does want some space, so
leave him alone. If he says he’s good, then he is good. There’s nothing
more too it, no mind games
Step 4
Romance is not a male characteristic. Don’t automatically expect
romance. That is something men have to work at, we need help. For the
most part we suck at romantic gifts and gestures. They will buy you
something you don’t even want, or take you some place you never heard of
and forget to buy you a card or flowers. You can’t say he isn’t trying
though, so don’t put him down for his valiant efforts.
Maybe the gift he gave you doesn’t mean anything to you, but it might
mean something to him. Ok so he bought you a pink female tool-set, and
you want to hit him in the head with the hammer.
Well, he is a handy man and he is trying to include you in something
that he loves. That is his romantic. You’re always complaining about how
he is always in the garage working on something and not spending time
with you. He thinks he’s doing a good thing. Here is your chance to
spend some time with your dude doing something that he enjoys, that’s a
little romantic. Think about it, you wearing your little handy man
outfit tailor made of course with little boyshorts, and you get all
greasy. That is sexy, come on now.
Step 5
It’s your fault. If a guy is an a-hole to women, then it is your
fault. Not you specifically, but women in general. He either had a
crappy mom, sister, or first girlfriend that screwed him over. That
stays with us, the same way that women carry past relationships around.
Additionally, you may have this miss-guided idea of what a man should
be. Now that you can’t find a guy that fits into your mold, it must mean
that all guys are a-holes.
No, no we are not. You just have these high expectations of them and
want them to do things that they’re not capable of, to say things that
they would never cross their mind. That is not the guy’s fault. On top
of that, you have your home girls in the mix telling you how horrible
your dude is, that’s helping you right. Stop expecting so much, and
maybe you won’t always feel let down.
Step 6
Simple, but not easy. Most men are pretty straightforward and simple.
Don’t assume that all of us are though. One of the biggest mistakes that
women make when it comes to men is that they assume that we are all
alike. Saying things like, “All men are dogs or pigs,” or whatever you
and your girls say. Men are as varied as women are, just a lot less
complicated. We’re easier to please, but what pleases us is not cut and
You have to respect that fact that we all have our differences. Not
all of us like cars. Not all of us watch sports religiously.
All men have passion; you just have to find out what they are
passionate about. We would rather laugh with you than argue. Yeah, I
know we do some silly things sometimes that cause the argument. Everyone
makes mistakes; life is too short to dwell on it. |