Central Bank to launch several initiatives:
Major boost for Northern economy
After a lapse of nearly 30 years, a Central Bank Governor will visit
Jaffna tomorrow mainly to strengthen the banking sector and meet the
business community in the peninsula. Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal
will also open the first ever National Development Bank in Jaffna, a
landmark event for the region.
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Jaffna celebrates bountiful Deepavali
For the first time in 30 years the people of Jaffna celebrated
Deepavali festival with goods bought at the same price as they are
in other parts of the country. Informed sources said that for the
past 30 years, all goods including clothes, food items, and fuel
were sold in the area at exorbitant rates as they had to be shipped
from the South.
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Attracts US$ 2.8b FDI since 2006 :
BOI reaches top in investment drive
The website of the Board of Investment (BOI) of Sri Lanka was voted
as the 10th best website in the world by Global Investment Promotion
Benchmarking 2009, a report released by an associate body of the
World Bank last week. The BOI website was also selected as the best
from Asia. The website was re-launched recently with several
additional investor friendly features.
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EPF, ETF to come under one roof
The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Employees Trust Fund (ETF)
will be set up under one roof in a massive 30-storeyed building at
Narahenpita shortly. The building will be constructed on a one-acre
land, located between the Labour Department main building and the
Sri Lanka Central Transport Head Office at Narahenpita.
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Jaffna’s judicial system to be revived
Minister of Justice and Law Reforms Milinda Moragoda has taken the
initiative for a complete revival of the judicial system in the
Jaffna peninsula. Minister Moragoda, accompanied by Ministry
officials, paid a visit to the Appeal and District Court premises in
Jaffna last Friday, where he met judges, officials and lawyers.
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