A better world for wildlife
Ever since the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS) was
established in 1894, they have worked tirelessly to ensure that nature
and wildlife conservation has been practised in Sri Lanka. Initially
starting as a game protection society, the WNPS evolved over the years
to become a wildlife and nature conservation society by the 1970s. From
its inception, the society was the only civil organization promoting
fauna and flora protection, linked closely with the enactment of Sri
Lanka’s wildlife protection legislation.
Today, it continues to maintain close links with the Departments of
Wildlife Conservation and Forests.
Its primary role now is as a policy advocate and environmental
educator. It publishes two bi-annual journals and maintains three park
lodges for its members. The President of the WNPS Douglas B. Ranasinghe
said that this time they are bringing their beautiful greeting featuring
the talent of the finest wildlife photographers. Greeting cards will be
available for sale at their office at 86, Rajamalwatta Road,
Battaramulla. “We are giving a special discounted rate from Rs.25 per
card to Rs.23 per card”, said Douglas. The WNPS manages with the
donations from the members, subscribers to their publication ‘Loris’ and
the sale of their New Year greeting cards.
In keeping with their aims, the objectives of the Wildlife and Nature
Protection Society of Sri Lanka is the prevent the destruction and
harmful commercial exploitation of species of wild animals and plants,
and wherever desirable and possible, to preserve wildlife intact in
natural conditions in Sri Lanka. “We also assist in protecting nature in
all its forms, such as landscape, soil, water, flora, fauna, marine
habitats and to conserve it for future generations and co-operate
actively with other persons and organisations in Sri Lanka and in other
countries in the interests of nature conservation and to give support
for study and research concerning wildlife”, said Douglas who said that
anyone with a love for nature can apply as a member to the WNPS. At the
moment, they are joining forces with NatureLife International, Germany
to reforest a hill in Diyapotha, Maduraeliya where they have got 2000
Euros with another 2000 Euros promised to beautify the area. The WNPS
has also steered the butterfly societies which have got children
interested in nature and wildlife.
“Our butterfly societies in schools around the island are very
successful and we hope to implement more in the future”, said Douglas.
All in all, the success of the WNPS has been a reality with a strong
member committee to steer the interest of nature and wildlife
conservation in the right direction.