Sri Lanka must not play into hands of enemies - Dr. Dayan
In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Observer Dr. Dayan
Jayatilleka says unilateralism and lack of transparency on the part of
the UN Secretary General’s Office in setting up the advisory panel could
indicate shifting of goalposts. He stresses that this is an issue
arising with the Office of the Secretary General and not with the UN as
the western media try to spin it. “Sri Lankan political responses and
public opinion must not fall into that trap.”
Q: Despite vehement protests by the Sri Lankan Government the
UN Chief went ahead with his decision to appoint the proposed advisory
panel on accountability issues. Can the UN disregard our protests backed
by two veto wielding powers Russia and China as well as the NAM?
A: At the very outset I must emphasize that we have no problem
with the UN. Though the Western media spins it as a move by the UN, Sri
Lankan political responses and public opinion must not fall into that
trap: this is not by the UN; this is an issue arising with the Office of
the Secretary General. That vital distinction has to be drawn and
observed. If someone were to have a problem with a Parliamentary
official, say the Secretary-General of Parliament or the Speaker, it
would be stupid to create an issue with the Parliament as a whole; as an
institution which everyone would defend. Evidently, the UN Secretary
General has gone ahead and done something which is highly selective and
has precedent setting implications which are negative.
His action is not in keeping with the letter or spirit of the
reference to accountability in the joint statement between him and the
Government of Sri Lanka issued on May 23rd 2009. It misinterprets that
statement. We must focus on that and not let things get out of hand. We
must not let this turn into a battle between Sri Lanka and the UN. No
country can take on the United Nations and expect support from any other
country. If we resort to tactics like surrounding the UN office or
demonstrating outside it, we shall generate adverse global coverage and
play right into the hands of Sri Lanka’s enemies.
Q:The mandate of this panel has not been made public. The UN
repeatedly says this is not an investigative body. If not, what is their
stipulated role?
A: This constitutes a danger. There seems to be a definitional
elasticity and a shifting of goalposts. The Western media seems to be
spinning it as an investigatory panel. If it is merely an advisory panel
on standards, modalities etc, why does it contain a US academic,
formerly of the State Department, who is an expert not on post conflict
‘transitional justice’ but precisely on international law implications
of ‘new borders’, the breakup of states and the emergence of new ones,
and is also a published critic of sovereignty, the G 77 and China?
Q: While the UNSG’s spokesperson has said the members of the
advisory panel will not be travelling to Sri Lanka to question anyone
since it is not an investigative body, the Head of the Panel has said
that it is unfortunate if they will not be allowed in. What can we
derive from these conflicting statements?
A: Yes, these conflicting statements are worrisome and could
indicate a shifting of goalposts. Of course the remarks of the head of
the panel are quite understandable and may have been made with the best
of intentions. He may think that closer engagement with and by Sri Lanka
would be mutually helpful. I must add that Mr. Darusman is from
Indonesia, a Third World country and Non Aligned pioneer which is a
close and helpful friend of Sri Lanka. In our reactions, we must not
alienate public and governmental opinion in such a country. This is true
also of South Africa, a respected and influential Non Aligned country
from which the second panellist comes.
Q:There is a rumour that this body could be a precursor to a
UN war crimes investigation on Sri Lanka. Is it possible that the
findings of this body could be used in such a way to establish a war
crimes probe?
A: This cannot be ruled out. Mr. Haq, a UN spokesperson has
already used the word ‘atrocities’ and the slippery term ‘first step’ to
describe the panel and its role. He is quoted in the international press
as having said “The conflict ran for decades, and during that period
many atrocities took place... While there is a legitimate need for a
thorough inquiry into the entire conflict, it was felt that as a first
step it would be necessary and practical for the Secretary General’s
panel to focus on the final stages of the war.” This is alarming! That
is why it is important to be aware of all possible scenarios including
the worst-case ones, and launch a truly global - I would say ‘planetary’
diplomatic outreach to mobilize forces on all fronts against any such
What is most vital however is to get our own act together, to clean
up our act on the domestic front especially on issues of human rights
and democratic freedoms, inter-ethnic political reconciliation, and
trust-building between the Sinhala and Tamil communities. This would
make us far less vulnerable to external moves.
Q: Can Sri Lanka be satisfied with the impartiality of the
three members of this panel?
A: As I said earlier, I am unhappy with the mismatch between
the supposed mandate of the panel and the profile and background of some
members of the panel whose area of acknowledged authority has nothing to
do with the stated purposes of the panel.
The problem stems from the unilateralism and lack of transparency on
the part of the UN Secretary General’s Office in setting up this panel.
I am also alarmed at the highly elastic statement of the UN Secretary
General’s spokesperson.
Q: Is it a prerogative of the UN Chief to take such a
unilateral decision and can the recommendations be legally binding?
A: Well he has gone right ahead and done it and it is neither
being reversed nor challenged. This is dangerously uncharted territory,
territory without precedent, so one does not know what the status of the
outcome - the product of the panel’s deliberation-will be. This could be
merely the thin end of the wedge.
There could be a chain reaction. Luckily we have a top legal scholar
as our Minister of External Affairs. We should harness top Sri Lankan
jurists such as Justice Christie Weeramantry and Dr. Rohan Perera in the
effort to analyze, pre-empt and combat such possibilities.
Q:Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister has reiterated to the visiting
UN Under Secretary General for Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe that it was
unethical for Moon to appoint an external body to advice on Lanka when
there was an internal mechanism at his disposal. Why, in your opinion,
was he adamant to appoint such a panel?
A: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon says he is going by the Joint
Statement signed in Colombo by him and the Government of Sri Lanka at
the conclusion of his visit on May 23rd 2009. We may surmise that he
believes that Sri Lanka has not stood by the agreement contained in that
In this regard it cannot be ruled out that he was probably influenced
by an important element within Western states. He probably perceives a
need for their support when he comes up for a second term next year.
These elements themselves could have been influenced by (1) the pressure
of sections of the Tamil Diaspora (2) strategic considerations such as
need to counter our close and indispensable friendship with China (3)
their own ideological predispositions such as ‘Responsibility to
Protect’ and ‘liberal humanitarian interventionism’ (4) a perception
that sovereignty should be ignored when probing violations of human
rights and humanitarian law (5) a need to punish Sri Lanka for defeating
the Tamil Tigers militarily, without acceding to last-ditch Western
attempts at a ceasefire and renewed talks with the LTTE ( 6) a
perception that there is no domestic process of reconciliation with the
Tamils and no credible domestic mechanism for investigating human rights
violations overcoming a culture of impunity (7) the fact that there
wasn’t enough of a mobilisation of our friends at the UN, to counter
such a move.
Q: One of the fears expressed by Sri Lanka is that, this body
could lend legitimacy to LTTE international propaganda, while having a
negative impact on the on-going post war rebuilding efforts and the
process of healing war wounds. Your views?
A: While it will certainly encourage LTTE propaganda and
hardcore secessionist sections of the Tamil Diaspora, and the raking up
of the past could result in mutual recriminations thus retarding the
process of healing war wounds, I fail to see how and why it should have
a negative effect on post-war rebuilding efforts. That’s entirely within
Sri Lanka’s purview and it has to do with a reconciliation among our own
citizens, our own communities; regions of our own country.
If we send out the right signals the whole world will be ready to
help us in post-war re-building. If we permit anything to come between
us and such rebuilding efforts, if we delay in this task or accord it
less than top priority for any reason, we would be playing into the
hands of our enemies.
A sincere outreach to the Tamil community mainly in the war ravaged
areas, and a programme that gives priority to political reconciliation
and reconstruction is the best answer to pro-LTTE international
propaganda and to whatever moves the UN Secretary General’s panel may
set in train.
Q:How will it affect the overall reconciliation process that
has been set in motion by the Government?
A: It shouldn’t. Why should it? What’s the connection? All
communities have suffered through the common tragedy of a thirty year
conflict. No one, North or South, has a monopoly of either virtue or
victimhood. We must seek reconciliation with the Tamil people who have
been partly suppressed by the LTTE, partly brainwashed against us and
have suffered greatly for decades in the war-torn high conflict zones.
It is something we must do if we have learnt the correct lessons of
the past. We must seek out and draw on the best practices from post
conflict situations; not the worst practices which have made for endless
conflict such as in the Middle East. Reconciliation is something we must
do for our own future. Reconciliation comes from the word
‘conciliation’. It cannot be achieved by repression. It means mutual
forgiveness and broad mindedness. It requires a turning away from
extremes and treading the Middle Path. Reconciliation can only commence
with an open political dialogue with the democratically elected
representatives of the Tamil people.
If we fail to speed up and successfully bring to fruition a political
reconciliation process between the communities inhabiting our island
home, world history teaches us that the conflict will resume in some
form or the other.
Such a failure will also make us vulnerable to external charges,
pressures and interventions. One important way of countering the efforts
set in motion by the UNSG’s ‘panel’ is to accelerate a domestic,
nationally propelled, process of political reconciliation with the
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka was Sri Lanka’s Ambassador/Permanent
Representative to the United Nations, Geneva during the war years
2007-9, inclusive of the UN Human Rights Council’s Special Session on
Sri Lanka last May. Currently he is a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at
the National University of Singapore’s Institute of South Asian Studies.
These are his personal views and in no way represent those of the
Institute. |