‘Interrogation on LTTE network continues’:
Dialogue with Tamil diaspora:
No special treatment for KP - Defence Secretary
Whilst refuting claims that the government is
grooming the detained LTTE leader Selvarasa Pathmanathan alias
Kumaran (KP) to be the Chief Minister of the Northern Province, the
Government said it was exploring his ‘data base’ on the LTTE to
crush its international network.
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Lanka’s role in Israel committe has no bearing on UN panel - Dr.
Sri Lanka’s role in the UN committee on Israel
has a history of over 30 years and has no bearing on the UN advisory
panel on the country, Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN
Dr. Palitha Kohona told Sunday Observer. Dr.Kohona who was in Sri
Lanka on a brief visit left yesterday for New York.
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245,000 students to sit GCE (AL) exam
Two-hundred-and-forty-five thousand students
will sit the GCE (Advanced Level) examination this year. Of the
total number, 170,000 candidates are school applicants. A higher
number of students have applied to sit the examination from the
Colombo, Gampaha, Kandy, Galle and Kurunegala districts.
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No hike in bus fares, says NTC chief
The National Transport Commission (NTC) under no
circumstances will permit an increase in the minimum bus fare from
Rs. 6 to Rs. 7 at this stage, yielding to the demands of a handful
of bus operators, National Transport Commission (NTC) Chairman Sashi
Welgama told the Sunday Observer.
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Sharp increase in tourist arrivals
There was a 50 percent increase in the number of
tourist arrivals in the country during the first five months of the
year. “If this trend continues there will be around 600,000 tourists
this year, a 30 percent increase compared to last year,
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