IMF optimistic of Lanka’s economic growth
“The overall economic conditions in Sri Lanka are improving and the
economy is likely to show strong growth this year” said, Sri Lanka IMF
Resident Representative, Dr. Koshy Mathai at a media briefing, Tuesday
to announce the release of the third tranche of the IMF loan to Sri
Dr. Koshy Mathai |
He said that inflation remians subdued and average inflation for the
year is expected to remain in the single digit.
“Monetory conditions are stable and interest rates have declined and
credit growth has shown signs of recovery”, he said.
Dr. Mathai said the 2010 Budget represents the policies of the
Government and refuted allegations that it is based on fulfilling IMF
conditions. The Oposition alleged that the 2010 Budget was drafted to
satisfy the IMF and did not include proposals for the benefit of the
The IMF urged the Government to implement broader fiscal reforms as a
prerequisite for the stand-by-agreement which was reached last year to
boost the country’s foreign reserves.
The Finance Ministry sources said the 2010 Budget aims to reduce the
fiscal deficit, introduce tax reforms and provide long-term benefits to
the people.
The second and third reviews of the stand-by agreement (SBA) with Sri
Lanka was completed by the IMF and two tranches to the value of SDR
275.6 million (Approximately US $ 407.8 million) was disbursed by the
IMF on Monday.
Sri Lanka has received US$ 1,060 million so far with the disbursement
of the third tranche according to the SBA facility approved in July
The country’s reserves have grown significantly over the past year as
a result of the inflows from trade and worker remittances.
The gross official reserves currently stand at US$ 5.5 million. The
IMF said if carried out properly, the budget would significantly address
past fiscal slippages, mainly through comprehensive tax reforms and
sizable cuts in recurrent spending and allow the much needed
reconstruction related infrastructure investment.
Dr. Mathai said that the 2010 Budget and policy package represent
major steps to strengthen the Sri Lankan economy.
The eight percent budget deficit forecast for the year is attainable
depending on the steps the Government would take to achieve.
The Government forecast a budget deficit of Rs. 438.8 billion, 8
percent of the GDP for next year while reducing it to 5 percent in 2012
and slashing the debt limit to 70 percent of the GDP from the current 80