‘Interrogation on LTTE network continues’:
Dialogue with Tamil diaspora:
No special treatment for KP - Defence Secretary
by Shanika Sriyananda
Whilst refuting claims that the government is grooming the detained
LTTE leader Selvarasa Pathmanathan alias Kumaran (KP) to be the Chief
Minister of the Northern Province, the Government said it was exploring
his ‘data base’ on the LTTE to crush its international network.
Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa denying reports that the
government has formed an ‘alliance’ with the LTTE remnants said that the
government was working with KP in a strategic manner to mobilise the
support of the Tamil diaspora.
“We must remember that three groups - Global Tamil Forum, and two
factions led by Rudrakumar and Nediyawan - are still active and
propagating the LTTE’s separatist ideologies. The truth needs to be
revealed to the world”, he said.
Rajapaksa told the Sunday Observer that a group of Tamil diaspora
known to KP had visited Sri Lanka and they had been convinced by KP to
deviate from their confrontational attitude towards the government.
“KP had told them categorically that there was no point in reviving
the LTTE’s separatist ideology. He also explained to them the steps the
government had taken for a sustainable future for Tamils and invited
them to work closely with the government for a better future for the
Tamils”, he said.
According to the Defence Secretary, KP had told the Tamil diaspora
representatives that the 30-year-old conflict was meaningless and
nothing had been gained apart from the destruction and a bleak future
for the Tamils in the North and the East. He said the talks with the
visiting Tamil diaspora were successful and they had discussed the
issues of humanitarian concern and expressed their willingness to
cooperate with the government to work for the future of the Tamils.
Rajapaksa said that the government hoped to have a continuous
dialogue with the Tamil diaspora as they were interested in rebuilding
Sri Lanka. He said that it was sad to note that some interested parties
locally and abroad had still wanted the LTTE to stage a comeback mainly,
for their survival and also to gain petty political mileage.
“However, these parties do not talk about the success story that
brought KP here and how vital it was to get information from him to bust
the LTTE’s international network”, he said. The Defence Secretary said
that President Mahinda Rajapaksa or his Government would not resort to
any action that would destroy the country’s future and the hard earned
Refuting the allegation that KP is not in military detention
Rajapaksa said that he was still very much within the intelligence