The elusive job satisfaction
Some jobs bring you a lot of money; others don't. However, you find
people doing all kinds of jobs to earn a living. The problem is that
even if you get a lot of money, you will not get any job satisfaction.
On the other hand, whether you get any job satisfaction or not, you
will have to do some job to earn money. Although money is not
everything, you cannot live without it. When you have no money, you
naturally feel miserable.
I remember an ancient Chinese saying: "Find a job you enjoy doing and
you will not have to work a day in your life." It simply means that when
you are doing a job, you will not consider it something tedious.
The Chinese saying makes us believe that if we enjoy our jobs, we
will be happier than a person who earns a lot of money without getting
any job satisfaction. If you think that your job is drudgery, you will
not enjoy job satisfaction.
Throughout our lives we seek pleasure and try to avoid pain. We do
not like diseases, medicine, operations, injections, and amputations
because they give us pain. If we can satisfy our five sensory organs -
eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin - that is considered pleasurable.
Even a child is ever on the look out for things that give him
pleasure. Children like to play, watch television and go on picnics.
Most of them do not derive any pleasure by learning mathematics or
history. As adults we look for jobs that give us money, pleasure and
some prestige.
One major problem young people face is whether they can find jobs
that give them satisfaction. About 50 years ago, I had to work in a
government office in the dry zone. The salary was poor and the living
conditions were deplorable. What is more, I did not get any job
satisfaction because I was at the beck and call of anyone who could
spare five cents to buy a postage stamp! However, I had to do that job
for some time as I needed some money to make ends meet. It took me
nearly two decades to get out of the rut and find a job that gave me
The importance of money need not be overstated. Nobody can live
without money and our happiness is closely linked with it. If your means
of earning a living is unpleasant - like working in a mortuary - or even
difficult - like working as a labourer - you will find yourself in a
dilemma. You cannot give it up because you need money.
If all of us refuse to do unpleasant jobs, the world will come to a
One way out of this situation is to gain qualifications for jobs that
give you satisfaction. While doing boring jobs many employees pursue
higher studies and gain qualifications for higher positions. However,
all employees do not have the desire or the inclination to follow
academic or professional courses. In such situations the best course of
action is to enjoy the job you are doing however unpleasant it may be.
This is not something unreasonable as it sounds. It is like saying that
if you cannot marry someone you like, then learn to love the person you
If you get a lot of money by doing a particular job, you will find it
easy to enjoy it. Think of the pleasures you can enjoy by doing that job
even if you do not think it is the ideal job for you. In psychology we
call this programming or conditioning. When you program your brain to
enjoy a particular job, you will begin to like it. Most of us have been
programmed to enjoy menial jobs simply because we earn money by doing
If we can find jobs that give us maximum happiness, we are extremely
lucky. However, the human predicament is such that most of us do not get
the jobs we desire to do. Modern psychologists tell us that if you
cannot find the ideal job, do not be disheartened. Try to enjoy the job
you are doing now because it sustains your life. You simply cannot live
without doing a job. Therefore, do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do!
Most professions require you to have the right academic and
professional qualifications. In addition, you should have the right
attitude to do certain jobs. If you do not have the right language
skills, do not become a teacher or a journalist. If you have no
compassion for human beings, do not become a doctor or a nurse. If by
some quirk of fate you become one, change your attitude! Then you will
get immense job satisfaction.