Guest: Why does your dog
sit there and watch me eat?
Hotel host: I can't
imagine, unless it's because you have the plate he usually eats from.
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Three little boys were bragging about how tough they were. "I'm so
tough," said the first boy, "that I can wear out a pair of shoes in a
week." "Well," said the second boy, "I'm so tough, I can wear out a pair
of jeans in a day."
"That's nothing," said the third boy, "When my parents take me to see
my grandma and grandpa, I can wear both of them out in an hour."
* * *
My dad bought my mum a piano for her birthday. A few weeks later, I
asked how she was doing with it. "Oh," said my dad, "I persuaded her to
switch to a clarinet," "How come?" I asked. "Well," he answered,
"because with a clarinet, she can't sing..."
* * *
One day during a cookery class, Mrs. Fernando, the teacher was
telling us her secrets for preparing perfect sauces. When she ordered us
to the stoves to prepare our assignments, she said, "Don't forget to use
wooden spoons."
As I stirred my sauce, I thought about the physics behind the use of
the wooden spoon and decided it must have something to do with heat
conduction. I approached Mrs. Fernando to test my theory. "Why wooden
spoons?" I asked her. "Because," she replied, "if I have to sit here
listening to all your metal spoons banging against metal pots, I'd go
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Computers are like air-conditioners. They work fine until you start
opening windows.
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