Love and marriage
by Susantha Ediriweera
Passion, sex, feelings and
emotions are embedded in love which is conspicuously different from
affection. Unlike how poles attract, it is a cardinal principle in love.
Many confuse love with affection. The former is soaked with a feeling of
anxiety and inclination towards the opposite sex, while the latter is
bent on fondness, charm and merely towards all passionate ideas that
seldom spring up from affection, unless such extreme affection may end
up in love, depending on volatile and rare circumstances. Love at the
inception begets angelic sensation.
Lovers tend to behave like angels and they advocate that nothing is
superior to mutual love, kindness, toleration and compromise are
essential ingredients in love, sacrifice, gratitude, frankness,
serendipity, resurgence, valour and synergy are no assiduous task amidst
love and courtship. Men are dedicated, courageous and attached to
respective partners in love, repudiating objection or intervention on
its way. Surprisingly virtues and values abundant in love, are
short-lived in marriage.
Marriage is obviously an extremely responsible event in life, than
love. It is no bed of roses. It has thorns of jealousy, hatred,
misunderstanding and avarice, which come to limelight as years roll-by.
Mostly men get disappointed in marriage due to a number of reasons
beyond their control.
They become almost insane, when virtues and values rampant at the
time of love, disappear in marriage. Man come to their true senses to
see that love has flown out the window. Marriage becomes a devil’s
workshop and men turn out to be brutes, under forbidden circumstances,
eventually promoted by erstwhile evil partners. As brutes, men would
ill-treat, scorn and detest partners after marriage due to facts,
warranting no restraint. Angels in love are brutes in marriage.
There should be a way to arrest such a gruelling situation, as sacred
love can never be at fault. Firstly, we must not marry in haste, when we
are in love. Mutual understanding should always reign and no room should
be given to fake partners but those who foster trust and confidence.
Secondly, men and women should love within their means and take a
positive drive not to fall into penury and immorality. Avarice should be
deplored. Thirdly, respect to elders and relatives in the family circle
should never be dispensed with. Debonair attitude and approach is vital
to friendly family life. Those qualities will compensate you and arrest
men becoming brutes in marriage. Responsibilities should be shared with
mutual affection to usher in peace and prosperity in family life.