Use your brain - the God in you
by Amal Hewavissenti
Can anyone flatly contradict the
statement that the brain plays the role of the control room of our body?
Unquestionably, it has an astonishing ability to provide chances for us
to gain access to everything we wish to have in life and to satisfy our
hidden desires. For example, the brian blesses us with the mechanism of
dreaming in which we are given wonderful emotional solace and a sense of
fulfillment of certain things impossible in real life.
What brings your desires, wishes, hopes, plans and expectations to a
practical reality is nothing other than the brain. If we have the due
sensibility to use our brain the way we want, it will do wonders for us
with its unparalleled power.
You already know that the brain, once infused with superstition, may
lose itself on the wrong track in the same way as a computer with an
infected virus, never works. So, never feed the brain with poisonous
superstitions that may prematurely kill its initiative but charge it
with positivity to reap the fruits of your life. Perhaps you may agree
with me if I say that a man achieves lifelong success not by the effect
of luck, destiny, social class or lines on his palm, but by the correct
use of positive thinking issued by the brain.
As you see, eminent scholars, multi billionaires, politicians,
businessmen or scientists have emerged not out of the power of skin
colour, beauty, social class or caste, but on the clever use of brain.
To make a long story short, skin colour or the wealth line on the palm
cannot determine one’s success, but brain is the architect behind one’s
success or what we call “luck”. Many a time you may have been warned to
‘use your brain’ when you have miscalculated someone or mishandled a
situation. It is absurd to keep looking for a systematic institution
where you are taught how to use the brain in order to achieve the best.
Unluckily we find no qualified person to teach us what the brain is
capable of doing or how it should be exploited to help us take sensible
decisions. What is most important about the function of brain is that it
is your unique protector and it is willingly ready to give you highly
powerful ideas for success.
You may have experiences with your ‘body clock’ in the brain giving
you certain types of alarms as you adjust it. You may firmly think of
getting up at 5 in the morning just before you fall asleep - a simple
command to the brain to wake you up. The body clock of the brain wakes
you up precisely at the time. How is it that the brain is aware of time?
Nobody can explain it.
This precisely is the superpower latest in the brain which likes to
do miracles for us but is never allowed to do it. We must keep in mind
that whenever we keep thinking on our own, we are doing nothing other
than directly conversing with our brain.
If a certain idea plants itself strongly in the brain, it will carry
the idea into effect. The best exercise for it is thinking on fresh
horizons. Brain can actually give signals to the body to accomplish what
we really keep on thinking.
In that case, we must take particular care not to nurture negative,
detrimental thoughts as it may identify them to be our goal and
implement them. If some fear of deadly decease looms over us, we may,
before long, find ourselves plagued with it. That is how brain responds
to negative impulses.
For example, an aged mother who lamented over the death of her own
daughter and kept on with obsession of her own death, died exactly on
the same day of the following year - on the very day of the first year’s
alms giving to mark her daughter’s death. This is a real incident that
shows how alert the brain is to carry into effect what we think, whether
negative or positive. So, dispel all negative feelings and ideas from it
and it will be there to play its part wonderfully well. Again I would
say, never infuse bad thoughts in to it because it does not distinguish
good from evil once you are firm on it. It is pretty quick to respond to
bad emotions.
The brain helps us to suppress as otherwise long-winded depressive
grief over a serious loss or bereavement of a loved one.
It effectively removes the sad memories and unfavourable emotions
from our minds within a considerably short period of time. The brain,
therefore is the sole protector of our life and it, if used amiss, can
sink us in to the deepest abyss of life.