"Mahinda" The Book
"Some citizens are so good, that nothing a leader can do, will make
them better. Others are so incorrigible, that nothing can be done to
improve them. But, the great bulk of the people go with the moral tide
of the moment. The LEADER must help create that tide. - Author Unknown.
A momentous book-launch, set Colombo's elitist society astir. Its
echoes still resonate in the media. All the ingredients essential to
capture the imagination were vehemently evident.
The theme of the work was Presidential. Ministerial introductions,
prefaced the presentation.
The First Lady graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Creme de la creme provided a keen poignance to the event, by their
The audience was so distinguished, that two relevant lines of poetry
kept on prodding my memory.
"All the photographed living were there.
And, the Dead were listening" (If I remember right, these lines are
from W. H. Auden.)
Channa-Upuli Dance School contributed their exquisitely choreographed
"Lion Reawakened," to thrill the viewers. The eloquent drum-tattoo, set
the evening throbbing.
The book was launched ceremonially, in this alluring backdrop. The
work unfussily and simply titled "Mahinda", is a biographical narration
of the First Citizen of the Land.
The author of the President's Biography "Mahinda", is Muthu
Padmakumara - a young, vivacious but lime-light shy lady writer.
In the first instance, the author deserves lofty encomia on a number
of counts. In her Biography, she is dealing with a global personality.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has won the admiration of the World by
eradicating a terrorist organisation, considered unbeatable by many. He
ushered in an era of peace and harmony, to war-torn Sri Lanka.
In politics, he heads a Party, that has an unassailed series of
back-to-back election victories. People elected him for a second tenure
in office, giving him a land-slide assent. The voters returned his Party
to power, on an unexpectedly high wave of popular approval. All this
would have, quite easily tempted the President's Biographer, to deify
her subject, elevating him beyond mere heroism.
Biographer Muthu Padmakumara, deserves kudos, because she did not
resort to such a stratagem. Throughout her Biography, she has kept
President Mahinda Rajapaksa, in the believable human scale.
As she makes it amply clear in her prefatory note, this work has
emerged from her unswerving belief in the President's capacity to
deliver his promise to the people. As a member of the sensitive younger
generation, compelled to live in an excruciatingly troubling era of
seemingly unending conflict, she saw hope in President Mahinda
Rajapaksa's steadfastness. It is the cumulative effect of all those
hopes, beliefs, expectations and
yearnings, that resulted in the production of "Mahinda" - the
Generally, Biographies of great-people are couched in profound
language. On the contrary, in this instance, Biographer Muthu
Padmakumara, resorts to a language style that is starkly and
surprisingly lucid and simple. Her level of writing sharpens her
perceptions and establishes her subject indelibly in the mass mind.
An outstanding plus about this Biography, is its eminent readability.
It is as compelling as any absorbing fiction. The inclusion in her
Prologue, the epiphanic occurrence, under the Sacred Bodhi Tree at
Anuradhapura, is nothing short of a stroke of luck. This episode invests
the whole work, with an aura of mystery and awe.
The author enhances the impact of this miracle", by quoting the words
of the then Presidential candidate himself.
Author of the biography
Muthu Padmakumara |
The biographer rivettingly surprises the reader by so authentically
recreating a past that flourished decades before she was born. Her
dramatization of the ambience of Medamulana Walawwa, is an eloquent
testimony to her creative dexterity. What is noteworthy about Muthu
Padmakumara's Biography, is the care she takes to see that she (as
author) does not interpose with her comments, observations and
philosophies. The "personality" of the subject surfaces, through the
events and episodes, she lines up.
The "Child" Mahinda, who comes through in this Biography, displays
two marked personality streaks. On the one hand, he is stubborn and
self-willed, with an emphatic proclivity towards the derring-do--as
witnessed by the cashew-nut eating championship, which ends in a painful
bout with red-ants.
The contrasting characteristic is his love of his home and his rural
setting, at times to the point of obsession. These two traits were
predominantly and historically demonstrated when he became the helmsman
of the land as President. He stubbornly pursued the goal he set for
himself, to eradicate the massive threat of terrorism. In the memorable
act of worshipping Mother Lanka, he displayed his love of "Home".
Via the childhood episodes, Biographer Muthu Padmakumara has chosen
to distil, she provides us with a mere whiff of the glee child Mahinda
would have savoured, when he freely roamed the fields, glades and
forests of his childhood home territory in the deep south - trekking
wherever he willed.
Education in Galle, was Mahinda's entry into the wider-world outside
the Medamulana 'universe' he took delight in.
Initially, it took considerable persuasion to make the youngster take
to the education that the city of Galle could provide him.
As he progressed in education, he had to change his institutions of
learning on several occasions. From Nalanda College in Colombo, he had
to transit to Thurstan College. In her biographical narration, Author
Muthu Padmakumara, highlights the holiday escapades of the Rajapaksa
children. It is through these incidents and episodes, that the author
M.P. elevates her work to a level much higher than those routine
biographies, that, as a rule are chronologically presented.
It is here that her eye for the significant detail, asserts itself.
In the course of her preparation for this work, she would have conducted
a whole series of discussions and interviews with individuals who
mattered. She would have waded through much printed material as well.
The author, proclaims the quality of her creativity, through the
subject-matter she opted to retain. She has arranged her material, with
the touch of a superb fiction - writer. Her writings, unerringly assert
her preoccupation with readership appeal. While narrating the life story
of her subject "Mahinda", she constantly maintains a due regard for the
need to uphold the authenticity of the facts, she mobilizes for her
book. She has never betrayed the truths relating to the life of her
subject, to satisfy the narrow urge to make the book 'interesting'.
Her "trained frequentation" of the telling detail, made me wonder at
one stage, whether she is given to the practice of "New Journalism",
pioneered by Tom Wolfe. But, I am fully aware that she has never
travelled that way. Her unerring capacity to select the details that
really matters, is an asset that is built-in. Of her 12 chapters, the
latter six, dwell largely on subject matter very much in the public
domain, as the events in that period are a living and pulsating segment
in current history.
But, Muthu Padmakumara, has thought it her obligation as a
biographer, to convey at least part of the personal pain and travails of
the public figure Mahinda Rajapaksa. Muthu Padmakumara's narration of
the life of her subject, after he exposed himself to the hurly-burly of
Sri Lanka's active politics, is an area that will move many a reader to
The deep pain engendered in the inner recesses of his aged mother,
when her beloved son suffered incarceration, turns out to be a pathetic
comment on the nature of politics.
A segment of the biography, that is distinguished for its humane
implications, is the romance and the marriage of the subject of this
Mahinda is among the most prestigious names in our history. The name
acquired a special aura, after Arahant Mahinda, illuminated the path of
Sri Lanka's history, by holding aloft the beacon of the Teachings of the
Supremely Enlightened Buddha. Six monarchs of our long line of Rulers
had this name.
The name, literally means the "Leader of the Earth" (Mihi - Earth,
Inda - Leader, Indra)
Among the little nuggets of informations in Muthu Padmakumara's
biography, there is a reference about how the President came to be named
Mahinda. This name was given to the new comer to the Rajapaksa family,
by one of the most outstanding personalities of Sri Lanka, Sam
Wijesinghe - according to this biography.
Muthu Padmakumara, I am quite certain will continue what she began
and will add on to her present work. In the meantime, the President has
proved a true leader by creating a moral tide for the people of our land
to go with, towards the future which will transform this splendid island
of Sri Lanka - into the "Wonder of the world".