Nanotech will benefit industrial sector immensely - Prof. Vitarana

Prof. Tissa Vitarana
Science and Technology Minister Prof. Tissa Vitarana in an interview
with the Sunday Observer said the introduction of Nanotechnology to the
Sri Lankan industrial sector will immensely benefit in developing the
local economy immensely within the next few years.
Prof. Tissa Vitarana began his political career over three decades
ago. After his school education at Trinity College, Kandy and Ananda
College Colombo, he entered the Medical College and passed out as a
doctor. He has MBBS and MD degrees. Before coming into active politics,
he was the Director of the Medical Research Institute and the Prof. of
Medical Micro Biology of the University of Sri Jayawardanapura, an
Advisor in the World Health Organisation and a, Member of the Panel of
Expertise in Virus diseases in the WHO, Geneva, also a PHD in London.
He said: "Our country needs many more scientists to achieve this
objective and the introduction of nanotechnology could stop the brain
drain too.
The Minister paid special attention towards a large number of Sri
Lankan experts who are currently employed in foreign countries and said
this problem has arisen due to not using of advanced technology in our
industrial sector at present.
He said the Government has already released a 60- acre land at
Homagama for a Nanoscience Park with buildings and equipment for
research and development in Nanotechnology.
"We have also set up a Nanotechnology Institute at Biyagama with the
help of the private sector and it would help to conduct research
activities for the expanding of this technology", he said.
Prof. Vitarana also said the nanotechnologies could be utilised in
the manufacturing of electronic goods, textiles and clothing, medical
equipment, paints and coatings, energy, cosmetics, tools etc.
He said nanotechnologies are also used to develop the fields of
transport and constructions.
The Minister also said two BOI companies, the Sri Lanka Institute of
Nanotechnology and the Nano Technology Complex were set up by the
Government with the assistance of Mas Holdings, Brandix, Dialog, Hayleys
and Load Star.
"With the using of highly advanced nanotechnology, our objective is
to produce high quality products for both local and markets in developed
countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan
currently doing".
Prof. Vitarana also highlighted the importance of the introduction of
nanotechynology to our country even at this juncture and said that fund
controllers in the country must extend their fullest co-operation
towards the development of the technology.
Speaking further on the `Vidatha' Science and Technology program
which were commenced by the Ministry in 2005 with the objective of
helping small and medium scale entrepreneurs to start business ventures,
Prof. Vitarana said over 10,000 entrepreneurs in the country have
already benefited by this program.
"Our objective is to take the latest scientific methods to the
village and encourage entrepreneurs to start various business projects,"
He said 257 Vidatha centres have been established in all Divisional
Secretariats in the country and the Ministry's objective is to establish
another 74 centres before the end of this year.
"We have also established seven Vidatha centres at 13 Divisional
Secretariats in the Northern Province and hope to set up more centres in
the coming months.
"Under this program, entrepreneurs have started to manufacture
various agricultural products, food items and ready made garments,".
He said the Ministry also help entrepreneurs to sell their products
in the local market as well as in the foreign markets.
"We not only provide financial assistance for them to start business
projects, but also provide technological know-how to preserve food
items, to make yoghurt, bottled jak fruit etc,".
He said if anybody is interested in starting a business project, he
could consult the manager of the Vidatha Centre in the area for
necessary informations.