Tea, rubber exports hit US$ 2 b mark:
Socio-economic welfare measures in the offing- Minister Mahinda
By P. Krishnasamy

Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe
The two main plantation crops, tea and rubber, are doing well
fetching high prices in the world market and research-based plans have
been launched for the long-term sustainability and productivity of the
crops, Minister of Plantation Industries Mahinda Samarasinghe told the
Sunday Observer in an exclusive interview.
In tea and rubber exports, the country has hit the 1.2 billion US$
annual export level producing the world's cleanest and healthiest tea,
he pointed out. With regard to the socio-economic welfare of the
plantation workers, more programs to supplement the existing programs
have been envisaged by his Ministry, he said. Such programs include
support for a medical insurance scheme, assistance for the higher
education of the children of the plantation workers, increased
facilities in their living quarters and assistance to construct their
own houses, he said.
The Ministry of Plantation Industries has always been supportive of
the Mahinda Chintana concept of "Api Wawamu, Rata Nagamu" and in terms
of it small plots of land for vegetable gardening will be provided to
the estate workers and with assistance also for rearing cattle, poultry
farming and cultivation of cash crops. His Ministry has initiated
effective measures to overcome the transient crisis that the coconut
industry encountered due to a disease in the down South and war in the
North and East, the Minister said.
Excerpts of the interview:
Q:The Government handed over the plantation estates to the
plantation management companies in 1992. Can you please explain in what
manner this has benefited the plantation industry and also the
plantation workers during the last 19 years?
A: After the nationalisation, tea plantation sector
deteriorated gradually in management and started incurring heavy losses
and came to a point where the then management had to borrow billions of
rupees from the Government. Immediately after the privatization, the
borrowing was stopped which was a great relief to the economy. Since
privatization, over time the plantation sector management under the
regional plantation companies improved gradually through revitalization
of the crop, modernisation of the factories, development of
infrastructure, etc. So, therefore, I can tell you this move has
certainly benefited the country and the industry by assuring stability
in production, marketing and exporting. Today we have hit 1.2 billion
US$ annual export level.
Before privatisation in 1992, estates' collective losses of Rs.1.7
billion, turned into collective profit of Rs.1.6 billion in 2000 under
the privatized management, thus relieving the Government Treasury from
supporting the sector. With divestment and assistance from the
Government sponsored projects, the yields of the plantation companies
have increased 3% while rubber yield has stabilized.
Not only the plantation sector national economy, the other important
component, the workers, also have immensely benefited over the last two
decades and according to the survey and data available with us the
livelihood of plantation workers has increased manifold and their living
conditions have improved substantially. Access to school, water,
healthcare and other social needs, including improved housing and rest
rooms have been provided. According to some of the statistics the infant
mortality rate has substantially reduced. When you study the human
development indicators there has been a substantial improvement in the
estate sector during the last 15 years. The estate health bulletin shows
improved health trends with the steady decline in crude death rate and
infant mortality rate in the estates according to the Plantation Human
Development Trust (PHDT 2005 report). Literacy in the estate sector has
improved from 68.5 in 1986/87 to 81.3 in 2003/4 with the gap between the
estate and the urban and rural sectors narrowing during this period. Of
course this sector still lags behind some of the other sectors in areas
like weight at birth etc. There has been tremendous improvement in
health system for the plantation workers as each estate has its own
Doctor, estate medical officer, hospital, dispensary and maternity ward.
There have been many efforts to improve the housing program through many
projects. In addition, these moves have brought about an important
change in the management's attitude toward the workers.
Q: Is the Government having control over the Plantation
Management Companies in relation to their activities, management and
industrial relations that have a direct impact on the industry?
A: Regarding control over the plantation management companies,
since I took over, I have realised our Ministry has not been very
effective in monitoring some of the important activities as the 'Golden
Shareholder' on behalf of the Government. Having realised that, I have
already initiated action to strengthen the capacity and capability of
the Ministry to regularly monitor the important activities of the
plantation companies which are very vital for the sustainability of the
industry and its long-term contribution to the national economy. I am
confident that within the next few months we will have a more effective
monitoring of management companies.
Q: Did you hold discussions with the plantation management
companies or with their representatives after assuming office as
Minister of Plantation Industries? Can you please tell what was the main
focus of the discussions?
A: Since I took over about two months back, I have had
meetings with all the stakeholders at different levels and have
identified many constrains and challenges, and I have initiated the
second phase of discussion to take action on important matters
immediately. I have also met with my Ministry stakeholders related to
tea, i.e. Tea Board, TRI and TSHDA and have identified urgent needs such
as need to amend statutory board acts, recruitment of staff and need for
funds, etc. I had a successful meeting with the Secretary to the
Treasury regarding both the funding situation and future sustainability
of the industry and I am happy to note that I have received a positive
response from the Secretary to the Treasury. The focus of my discussions
with the stakeholders was on the need to enhance the replanting rate
which is at present far below the recommended rate of 2%, need for
factory modernization in order to have all factories certified to meet
export demands, reduction of post-harvest losses through introduction of
good transportation system and use of plastic crates, etc. The emphasis
was on promoting Pure Ceylon Tea and increasing the value rate added
percentage from 35 to 65 percent and also the need to improve the living
standards of estate workers. I have also discussed with them the need to
remain competitive in the world market by reducing the cost of
production and also to face future labour shortages through
mechanization and to try out a new concept of establishing an outgrower
I have met with the Chief Executive Officers and Directors of the
plantation management companies several times during the last couple of
months. I invited them for discussions held separately at the tea,
rubber and coconut research institutes to interact with scientists to
get maximum use from the institutes. Plantation companies also have
requested for long term loan facilities at a concessionary interest rate
which I am discussing with the Treasury.
Q: Are we successfully competing in the world market with
other tea producing countries like India, Kenya and China?
A: Certainly yes. Today Colombo Auction records the highest
tea prices in the world indicating that Ceylon Tea is doing well. We
have been able to achieve this price because of our quality of tea and
also we are still known to produce the world's cleanest and healthiest
Q: Are you optimistic that we will continue to maintain the
quality of our tea as the world's best and the most popular?
A: I am very optimistic about our capacity and capability to
continue to maintain the quality of our tea as the world's best and most
popular. I have proposed many strategies to ensure the standards of
manufacturing, quality of leaves and health aspects of our tea. We have
been able to meet the European, Japanese and US health standards on
maximum residue levels through the efforts of the Tea Research Institute
and I am also happy to record here that we have established a pesticide
residue analysis laboratory at the Tea Board where we are capable today
of analysing our tea samples instead of sending them to Germany as was
done before.
Q: What is the state of the plantation estates that are under
the management of the State Plantation Corporation and the JANAWASAMA?
A: Well, the State Plantations Corporation and the Janawasama
are not coming under the purview of my Ministry. Therefore, I am unable
to comment about their performance. However, the Government has taken
action to run them as viable enterprises through another Ministry. My
Ministry is providing technical support through our research and
development units at Hantane where most of the estates are located.
Q: Under the UPFA Government much has been done for the
socio-economic uplift of the impoverished plantation workers. Can you
please tell what future programs are envisaged for their welfare?
A: During the last several years the Government has done so
much through ADB funding and the Plantation Development Projects to
uplift the socio-economic conditions of the plantation workers. My
Ministry has many future plans to initiate projects to further improve
their living conditions and enhance their income. One such project is
the outgrower project.
Q: Assurances were given by successive governments that the
ownership of the living quarters and the small plots of vegetable
gardens of the estate workers would be vested on them. Will it be
fulfilled by the UPFA Government?
A: Present line houses with the gardens where they grow
vegetables has been vested with the Worker Housing Cooperative Society
which is a community-based organisation with the workers holding office
in it. This has been done to stop them selling the houses and the
gardens to outsiders. They can only sell to the Society.
Q: There is wide-spread discontent among the plantation
workers that the plantation managements are imposing stringent norms and
conditions thereby depriving them of the wages agreed to under the
Collective Agreement. Will you, in due course, take up this matter with
the plantation management companies to offer redress to the workers ?
A: With the recent wage increase under the Collective
Agreement, the Government and the plantation managements had to ensure
that the wage increase is linked with productivity. You must remember
that the cost of production of our tea is the highest in the world. For
us to remain competitive in the world market, we have to ensure that our
productivity levels go up with the increase of wages. Earlier we had a
static norm, but now we have introduced a variable norm between 14 - 18
and the other incentive is Rs.90/- per day for above 75% attendance.
I am also aware that some companies are not adhering to the variable
norm and there is some dissatisfaction among the workers. This will be
rectified through discussions.
Q: Do you think that green tea will substitute the traditional
tea and are we successful in producing and marketing green tea?
A: Yes. There is a belief that green tea is better than black
tea. Green tea producing countries have done a lot of research before us
on health benefits and they are promoting green tea. However, it should
be noted that we are getting high price in the world market for our tea
because of the popularity of our orthodox black teas. Sri Lanka has many
kinds of speciality teas based on elevation of plantation estates,
climatic regions, etc. like Uva tea, Nuwara Eliya tea, Dimbulla tea and
low-country tea. So we do not expect Green Tea to completely replace
black tea. We already produce green tea in 15 factories. We have the
capacity to change according to future changes and demands in the world
market as the TRI has already produced suitable cultivars for high
quality green tea production.
Q: Tea is now known as containing high concentration of
anti-oxidants and also as a brain-relaxer. Have our Tea Board and
foreign missions taken steps to give publicity to this finding and to
promote our tea?
A: Health properties in our tea is being strongly promoted by
our Tea Board jointly with the TRI research activities. Recent findings
of the presence of high levels of anti-oxidants and brain relaxation
compound L-Theanine, is a great finding to further promote our tea
globally. It must be remembered that health properties of black tea is
equal to those of green tea. The Tea Board has taken action to spread
this message across the world through our Foreign Missions. They are
conducting awareness seminars for Mission members. Q: Please explain the
steps being initiated to ensure the long-term sustainability of the
rubber industry and the steps being taken to start rubber planting in
parts of the Northern Province that have been identified as suitable for
the purpose ?
A: In the Northern province, some parts of the districts of
Kilinochchi and Vavuniya are identified as suitable for rubber
cultivation. After the initial testing of soil and scrutinizing climatic
and geographical factors by the RRISL, it is planned to initiate the
cultivation at adaptive research level as follows:
Q: About Government plans to start industrial complexes to
utilize our rubber for making based products?
A: RDDD plans to reinstate the factory modernization subsidy
scheme. Through this scheme factories of regional plantation companies
can improve the factory infrastructure through installation of latest
and efficient machineries and equipment and undertaking repairs to the
existing ones.