Men cry foul over female preference!
Strangely enough, our men folk do not seem to be quite happy about
the entire set up. Some of them are quite puzzled as to why only topics
such as 'male dominance and violence against women' always dominate
newspaper headlines, when there are so many other issues worthy of
discussion. "Do you think that having a day dedicated for women, itself
means that women are fragile, less privileged and need help from the
rest of society?" retorted one of my male colleagues who demanded that I
should take back all what I wrote for the International Women's Day a
few months ago!!
Does it mean that we, men folk are privileged and do not need any
help from society, just because there is no International day on our
calendar?" he asked.
It is human nature to feel 'sympathetic' towards anyone confronted
with 'discrimination' of any kind. However, in a society where almost
all the families operate under a patriarchal setup, do you think any of
us would ever take his words seriously? After all, it is women who bear
and raise children who will finally carry their father's surname.
If you ever thought of referring to 'men folk' as 'independent
variables', women are sure to be the 'dependant'. Hey, girls, can you
ever guess why I came out with this 'seemingly' stupid argument.It is as
simple as this. If you marry one Mr. Silva, you'll become Mrs. Silva and
If you tie the knot with Mr. Perera, you'll be addressed as Mrs. Perera!
You may find all these arguments stupid on the face of it. But can we
ever overlook the hardships encountered by women throughout their lives
in their diverse roles as a daughter, a wife, a mother and a
grandmother! Above all, it is women who often get sexually harassed,
quite often women have to sacrifice their higher education and career
after marriage while her husband faces no such barriers, women are
subjected to domestic violence and loads of other problems can be added.
Men's dilemma
But believe me, my angry colleague, is by no means the only one who
holds similar views. Most of them need a 'shoulder to cry on'! There are
enough stories of 'female dominance' and 'male unrest' and their
'grievances' appear to have fallen on deaf ears!
Gone were the days when girls had restrictions to outperform
boys."Now the tables have turned" says Duminda. Contrary to the commonly
held view that women have to make a lot of sacrifices after marriage, he
says that greater responsibilities are always shouldered by the husband.
"True that women raise children and look after them. But it is men who
give strength and protection to women.
But our dedication go largely unnoticed by most." "Though it is said
that women lose their freedom after marriage, it is not always true. A
day at home with my wife is like a fate worse than death."
Duminda is well supported by radio journalist, Thiwanka who says that
his wife's demanding ways have taken their toll. "She has no respect for
me at all, but does not hesitate to spend lavishly what I earn. The
worst part of it is that she often compares me with her friend's husband
who is said to be more outgoing. I advise her often, but it is just like
pouring water on a duck's back."
Glass Ceiling
As Thiwanka says the majority of husbands undergo a similar plight,
though they do not reveal it in public. "We hardly get into the streets
and protest over these matters," he winks.
Wasantha, a research assistant of a reputed company in Colombo, who
had to undergo lots of difficulties due to his female colleagues at
office says that there is no 'Glass ceiling' as such which blocks
women's upward advancement in their career. His claim is that, in most
of the workplaces Heads are too lenient on female staffers.
"They know how to get around bosses and get their promotions done.
They would spend hours talking to them, but will sign off at sharp 4.30
p.m. The common 'slogan' is Kellone, Ikmanata Gedara Yanna Epai (Girls
should go home early) As a result we, guys have to bear the brunt."
Wasantha says that he does not mind working 'like a bull' if at least
his dedication is appreciated with salary increments and promotions.
"When it comes to promotions and salary increments, none of these
things istaken into consideration. Girls know how to get away with any
wrong they commit. They walk off with promotions and salary increments."
Even the present method of offering scholarships is also
disadvantageous for men. "In some international scholarships preference
is given for girls. They must have set the rule considering the
situation that existed in the past. But now women are on par with men or
rather far ahead of men in spheres such as education. So I wonder
whether such preferences are needed any longer," he queried.
Let's set aside those issues. "Even when we are on board, we may get
caught in embarrassing situations because of women. So I am extra
careful when a woman is seated next to me either on a bus or train."
said Navaratna, a retired teacher. A regular passenger whom I meet on
Colombo bound Inter city bus too supported Navaratna's views.
"I am really scared when a girl sits next to me. Even if you slightly
touch her hand by accident she will shout at you." Recalling one of his
experiences, he said that once he was shocked to see a girl shouting at
a man who was standing next to her on the bus. "Take your hands off me',
she yelled at him at the top of her voice. In fact I saw him standing
next to her. It was merely by accident that his hand touched her
He won't deny that there are perverts on buses or on any public
transport who would molest women, "But sometimes innocent men too fall
into trouble. Imagine how embarrassing it is when an angry woman
suddenly glares at you with an air of accusation or shouts at you when
you are on board!
According to a Colombo bound Inter city bus conductor there are
certain women who would harass men. "They would approach men on purpose.
But if things don't seem to work out properly, they'll put the blame on
Two options
One of the main points raised by a reputed tuition master is that
women's inability to choose one of the two options available cause
problems. Either they should fight for equal rights or remain
soft-spoken and fragile. "Today, women are free to make choices
unavailable to past generations of women. They have been quite
successful in their fight for equal rights. In almost all the spheres
they have achieved a lot.Yet when it comes to crucial issues they use
their gender to their advantage."
In most of the offices only male officers are assigned for night
duty. When on board, most of the time women expect men to offer them a
seat or to be given priority when taking a seat. " If not women will
throw sarcastic glances at you "Ganu Kiyala Hithan Naha, Puduma Minissu
(They don't even consider our gender, what a set of men!)
As Chinthana, who works for a reputed International Airline says
media always prefer to dramatise girls' broken heart stories, but not of
men who suffer in silence.
" Do you think that only girls suffer due to broken relationships. I
know of a friend who remains unmarried to this day still thinking of a
girl who deserted him. We rarely stand a chance because we are not used
to shed tears in public."
Chinthana dismisses most of the generally held views which "are
highly in favour of women." "Being the only son in a family is highly
disadvantageous." he says. "Your parents and sisters will send you on
errands, you will have to be the 'guardian' of your younger sisters and
loads of other work. In short I have to work like a bull. No
compliments. "Kollone, Monawa Karanna Barida" (They're boys, what can't
they do?) that is the only remark they will make at the end of the day!
However, Chinthana was not aware of the ' latest requirement' for
being a 'good husband'. You all may be aware of it. The latest trend is
to check whether your husband-to-be has enough culinary skills! "Whether
you are a man or woman you should know how to prepare a meal."
What do you think of these stories of 'female dominance' and 'male
unrest'? It is high time that the government established a 'Ministry for
Men's Affairs" and a "Men's Bureau" to look into their needs. And also
sociologists too will have a wider role to play- they'll have to broaden
the scope of their 'pet topic' gender issues! The debate is on.
Some names have been changed