Domestic Aides / Services
Housemaids Nannies attendants available Contact 0726687338, 072-6687339. H.R. Help Service, 66 B 2/1, Galle Road, Dehiwala.
Reliable male female carers / attendants available to take care of elderly people 10 hour shifts available for short / long term caring Contact Cinnamon Care (Pvt) Ltd., 0773400524
[email protected]
Professional / Consultancy / Services
Accounting & Consultancy Services The following services are undertaken and all the accounts will be done with the computerized and latest Accounting software. Annual & monthly accounting. Final Accounts & Auditing Stocks Control Systems, Taxation, Implementation of Company accounting systems. 077-7806803, 077-7389708.
Accounting, Book-Keeping Tax EPF, ETF. Company registration BOI Certification Project Reports. DS Consultants 0776750600, 0777-745314.
Filling tax return preparation final accounts, bookkeeping, auditing and tax consultations. (prepared Gampaha area). Contact: 0775908588.
Positions Vacant - Clerical/Secretarial
Christian organization based in Moratuwa requires a part time secretary with English & computer knowledge. Apply: The Director, 11/7, Mendis Avenue, Idama, Moratuwa. Email:
[email protected]
Positions Vacant - Educational
AMI qualified, English medium, experienced Teachers are needed. Call Ms. Harshi 0717928998. No. 6A, Sulaiman Terrace, Colombo 06.
[email protected]
An International School seeks qualified experienced Teachers for Islam, Arabic, English, Maths, Computer (Gr. 6-10) and Sectional Head for Primary. Apply immediately. Principal, Amana International School, 37, Kolonnawa Rd., Kolonnawa. Email:
[email protected]
Qualified and experienced primary and nursery teachers wanted for newly inaugurated international school. Salary negotiable. This is exclusively for the people who want to grow with us. Contact: 077-4106673, 0759200712.
Positions Vacant - Drivers/Chauffeurs
Lady driver wanted job for house servant also 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Part time. 035-5712478, 077-8980088 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Positions Wanted
An experienced Sales & Marketing Business Development Manager looking for a job opportunity in a reputed company in any field. E-mail :
[email protected]
Hotel experience person seeks position Assistant Cook any suitable job restaurant hotel remuneration immaterial. 0772577894.
Lady driver wanted job for house. Servant also 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Part time. 035-5712478, 0778980088 - 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuition Available
ABA CIMA Edexcel Local Cambridge MBA Science Mathematics Statistics Business Accounts Law Economics Psychology, Sociology, Geography. “COS”. 2671710, 2685649, 0716128439.
AL/AS Chemistry (Cambridge / Edexcel / Local / IB / Jee) with practical demonstrations by well experienced University Lecturer, Marking Examiner who produced excellent results for last ten years. “A” Grades are assured through special examination oriented continuous assessment scheme. Home visiting considered. Tele: 0774341696, 0718289531.
AL Mathematics Edexcel Cambridge CoreMaths Mechanics Statistics. Experienced international school Teacher. Homes visited. 2790014, 0777297931.
AS/A2 Physics including practical worlds best results 2006 / 2007 Prof. Ranjith B.Sc. M.Phil (Engineering). 0777611598.
A/L O/L - London (Cambridge, Edexcel). Business Studies / Commerce. Responsible for a few A star students previous batch. Student comments, details available on website group/individual 077-2249568.
A/L Physics (local) 25 yrs. experienced leading Colombo school teacher gives individual / group classes. 0775122712, 0382239293.
London / Cambridge A/L O/L Physics / Maths / Further / Stat by Lalith Kumarasinghe B.Sc. Produced highest marks in the world every year. In 2009 Savithru Jayasinghe was the first Sri Lankan after more than a decade to get a full scholarship to Cambridge. Rs. 2500/= per month. Tel. 0777311268.
London Edexcel Cambridge A/L O/L Maths Physics C1 - C4 FP1 - FP3 M1 - M5 S1 - S5 P1 - P3 Furthermaths PHY1 - PHY6 experienced master. 0714048763.
Mathematics AL Revision Edexcel (C) Cambridge (P) by B.Sc. M.Sc qualified lecturer. Gampaha - 0716849527
Mathematics Edexcel Cambridge local (OL/AL/AS/A2) Janaka (BSc/MSc) qualified International School Teacher. 0718575450.
Mathematics Statistics Quantitative Techniques for foreign degrees post / under graduate on course modules and assignments experienced lecturer. Contact: 0718618814.
Maths Local London Grade 3 - 5 English Sinhala medium. 0719500728.
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