Best Corporate Citizens Awards
The applications are flowing in for the Best Corporate Citizens
Awards 2010, being held for the 7th consecutive year and the Ceylon
Chamber of Commerce is gearing up for the tough selection process ahead.
The awards ceremony will be held on November 3, at the Cinnamon Grand
Prof. Mohan Munasinghe will be the keynote speaker. Prof. Munasinghe
was the co-laureate of the 2007 Nobel Prize for Peace, as Vice Chair of
the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-AR4). Currently,
he is Chairman of the Munasinghe Institute of Development (MIND),
Colombo; Professor of Sustainable Development at the University of
Manchester, UK; and Honorary Senior Advisor to the Sri Lanka Government.
The main objectives of the awards are to raise awareness on the
importance of CSR and strategic corporate sustainability to the business
community and to promote and encourage these practices amongst the
corporate sector. Corporate entities must look at three-dimensions in
particular; people, profit and planet - in effect, be conscious of the
needs of future generations when meeting existing needs.
The following categories will be awarded this year:
* The Ten Best Corporate Citizens
* Category awards for the best performers in each of the 5 areas of
evaluation - Environment, Employee Relations, Customer & Supplier
Relations, Community Relations & CSR and Governance and Economic
* The 2nd runner-up, 1st runner-up and Winner of the 'Best Corporate
Citizens Award' (both category A - companies with a turnover of Rs. 10b
or over and category B - companies with a turnover less than 10b, will
qualify for these awards)
* Three awards for organizations under the 'Less than 10 b turnover'
* Three awards for Best overall special project.
* Certificate of merit for all projects that achieve a minimum
specified standard.
All private and public companies and government owned business
enterprises are eligible to apply for the awards.