CMA Graduation 2010
The Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka held
its 7th Graduation ceremony at the New BMICH Colombo recently.
This is a memorable year for CMA as it celebrates its 10th year since
it commenced operations in 2000.
This year 43 Fellow Members, 200 Associates, 32 Passed Finalists, 160
Professional I level students, 279 Intermediate students, 65 designated
AMAs (Associated Management Accountants) received certificates.
The scholarships offered by CMA Sri Lanka for A' level students,
undergraduates, as well as deserving students, police and the services,
government servants are an example of CMA recognizing and supporting
talented Sri Lankan students and those in employment.
This year 61 CMA scholarships were awarded based on selected
The Institute of Certified Management Accountants (CMA) of Sri Lanka
was incorporated by Parliament Act No.23 of 2009 in April 2009. CMA is
the National Professional Management Accounting Institution in Sri
Lanka. Since its inception in 2000, CMA has steadily progressed to an
Institute comprising over 12000 students and 2000 Members.
As a National Management Accounting Body CMA provides education in
English, Sinhala & Tamil media.
The steady progress of CMA during the past 10 years is attributed to
the importance of promoting Management Accounting in business
organizations, provision of a business qualification, the affordability
of the professional programme, making it available to urban and rural
students, and its recognition by local universities and global
management accounting institutes.
The Chief Guest was Chairman, University Grants Commission Prof.
S.V.D.G. Samaranayake and the Guest of Honour was Prof. of Accounting,
Dept of Accounting of the University of Sri Jayawardanepura Prof. M.W.
Wickramarachchi. President of CMA Sri Lanka, Prof. Lakshman Watawala
said that CMA had made a significant contribution to the Management
Accounting Profession in Sri Lanka. He thanked CMA Canada for their
assistance to continuously maintain high standards, providing
international recognition to CMA Sri Lanka.
The exchange of MOUs between the Advanced Technical Institute of the
Higher Education Ministry and CMA Sri Lanka then took place with
Director General, Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological
Education Kamal Pathmasiri officiating.
This will enable ATI students to obtain exemptions from CMA
examinations and complete the CMA Professional exam.
CMA also took the opportunity to recognize the large number of
Practical Training Partners who will provide practical training to