When will she understand?
That was the first day at my
university life. I went with fear about ragging. But that day became the
most important day of my life. I met my angel on that day. I never met a
girl like her before this. Her long hair, prominent eyes, cultured look,
stylish walk, soft talk-everything stole my heart.
After the ragging, she was introduced to me by one of my friends.
Thereafter, my friends and I joined her to prepare for our examinations.
She took special care about me, and explained the difficult sections
patiently and in an easily understandable way. Later we became very
close friends. We have shared each and everything.
I spent much time only with her over the phone. Her wise words, kind
acts, sweet talk totally changed my life. Her presence in discussions
made me more eager in my studies. My great achievement was that I got a
first class in the examination because of her. I tried to convey my love
over to her by non-verbal signals but all efforts failed. Sometimes she
and I wore dresses of the same colour and my friends used to tease me.
But, she argued with my friends who teased and gave up talking to them.
This incident has instilled me a fear about her.
I know, she behaves with me as a friend but my mind rejects to accept
her as a friend. I need her for my entire life. I still have a fear to
express my love because if she refuses I will lose everything including
my studies and her precious friendship. So, still I’m waiting for the
opportune time. Waiting for my sweetheart gives me a nice sensed
feeling. I will wait for her till my life’s end.
- Arno
Love lines
Prince in my dreams
You came into my sight
As a star in the night sky
You vanished suddenly
as water in a mirage
God let me and you meet
And, made us invisible to each other
What a tragedy it is?
You brought me a glimmer
And, vanished, giving me an endless pain
You are the Prince in my dream,
As soon as I wake up,
You blow with the stormy wind
I’ll pray to God
To make you the Prince
Not only in my dream
but, in my whole world of Love
- Milani Sandamali Sethuhewa