Uncultivated paddy lands under the plough soon
The Government has decided to acquire uncultivated paddy lands and
make them available for prospective cultivators.
Agrarian Development Commissioner General Ravindra Hevavitharana said
that this decision was gazetted in January 2009. Although the Government
spent over Rs. 800 million to provide irrigation facilities to
uncultivated lands during the past two years, the owners had not
cultivated paddy. The Agrarian Development Department had identified
over 20,000 uncultivated lands especially in Colombo, Gampaha and the
Kalutara districts.
The owners were keen to fill those paddy lands and sell them at
higher prices, the Commissioner General said. The Department has also
identified uncultivated lands in other districts too, he said.
“In 2007 the price of a kilogramme of Samba rice increased to Rs. 120
- Rs. 140. Even India, Thailand, and Burma suspended exports on rice and
other essentials due to the food crisis.
However, Sri Lanka did not face such a situation due to the
successful food drive launched by the Government.
All uncultivated paddy lands should be brought under the plough soon,
he said. He said that the acquired paddy lands would be given to
prospective cultivators for cultivation.