Focus on road development in NCP
by Nimal WIJESINGHE -Anuradhapura Additional
district group
The North Central Provincial Council has embarked on a large scale
road development program. Work is being focused on the rehabilitation of
the rural road network which was neglected during the conflict. Roads in
the areas such as Padaviya, Kebithigollewa, Mahawilachchiya,
Medawachchiya, Dimbulagala and Welikanda are currently being repaired.
R.M.P.B. Ratnayake the Minister North Central Road Development. Rural
Infrastructure and Power said that the Katukeliyawa - Diyabeduma road in
Polonnaruwa district was being funded by the Asian Development Bank the
North Central Provincial Council and the Government.
The Katukeliyawa-Diyabeduma road renovation project costs the
provincial council Rs. 20 million.
The ADB has granted Rs. 4,500 million for road rehabilitation in
North Central Province. It is envisaged to improve 300 kilometres of the
rural road network road development will make it possible for the
government to pass the dividends to the village.
Another road project for rehabilitating 30 kilometres of road in
Kebithigollewa, Mahawilachchiya, Medawachchiya and Padaviya Divisional
Secretariat Divisions is to be commenced in December. The ADB grants Rs.
190 million for this project Ratnayake said.