A formidable Government creates stability:
18th A gives muscle to become 'Wonder of Asia'
The following are excerpts of the speech made by the Economic
Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa in Parliament on Wednesday,during
the debate on the 18th Amendment.
is a historic day in the annals of the history of our country because it
is a great achievement for a country or a political party to be able to
command a two-third majority in its national legislature. To begin with,
I would like to explain the objectives of the 18th Constitutional
Amendment. Of the 12 objectives, the first is the removal of fetters
against the people's sovereignty.
Section 3 of the Constitution states that the sovereignty is vested
with the people while Section 4 explains as to how the sovereignty is
exercised by the people. The legislative power of the people is
exercised by the Parliament which is made up of elected representatives.
In a referendum, the people exercise their supreme sovereignty by
casting their vote. The executive power vested with the people including
defence of the country is exercised through a President elected by the
voters themselves.
The Judicial power of the people is exercised through the Courts,
tribunals or other institutions created and recognized by the
Constitution or created by law. Therefore, it is our responsibility as
people's representatives to remove any such fetters against the people's
executive power or sovereignty. Removal of Sections 31 (2) and 92 (1)
which pose restrictions on the sovereignty, helps consolidate
sovereignty. The two-term ceiling on the executive Presidency is an
affront to the people and their sovereignty. That is why we have done
away with it.
Secondly, we are giving effect to the pledge made in the Mahinda
Chintana - Idiri Dekma, that the President's accountability to
Parliament should be further strengthened. The President is generally
accountable to Parliament and the 18th Amendment makes his attendance in
Parliament compulsory by further focusing on his accountability.
The other objective is to solve the riddle of the 17th Amendment. To
what extent that Amendment was flawed was commonsense. Not only the
Government but the UNP as well had to face difficulties in trying to
give effect to the Amendment. It was deeply flawed. The DEW Gunasekera
Committee appointed to go into it found most of its provisions not
practicable. The Constitutional Council could not be appointed.
The UNP too had its fair share of difficulties in implementing the
17th Amendment. At least the Elections Commission could not get off the
ground. If so how could one voice his concern for an independent
election commission?
The Constitutional Council has now been transformed into a
Parliamentary Council conferring authority on Parliament. The present
Amendment provides for the appointment of five members by the President
as nominated by the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition.
Our fifth objective aims at putting an end to fetters against
people's sovereignty. Unlike its predecessor, the 18th Amendment under
Section 41 (6) requires observations to be forwarded within a week
failing of which the President would act. The sixth objective empowers
all members of Parliament to make nominations which is a novel feature
which democratises the process of nomination.
seventh objective envisages a more efficient public service meant to
accelerate national development and provide a better service to the
public as provided for in the Mahinda Chintana - Idiri Dekma.
There is an allegation that under Section 55 of the 18th Amendment we
have dispensed with the freedom the public service enjoyed itself in
regard to various matters.
Section 55 (1) in the Amendment however, stipulates, "the Cabinet of
Ministers should provide for all policy matters relating to
appointments, promotions, transfers, disciplinary control and dismissal
of all public officers."
We know how the public service commission made decisions on policy
matters relating to public service and retirement age of public officers
which invariably fall under the purview of the executive powers vested
with the Cabinet of Ministers.
The 18th Amendment has since conferred on the Cabinet of Ministers
all powers relating to appointments, promotions, transfers and
disciplinary control of all Heads of Departments.
The 17th Amendment stated, "The Cabinet of Ministers shall give
effect to such powers only after calling for the observations of the
Commission." In this new amendment we have not interfered with powers
devolved upon the Provincial Councils. We have only maintained the
status quo.
Section 5 clearly states: 'In regard to the exercise of its powers
the Commissions shall be accountable and answerable to Parliament and
shall submit to Parliament a report of its performance during each
calendar year.' Consequently the Parliament has been further empowered.
The functions of the Commission have been explained in terms of
Section 55 (3) of the 18th Amendment which states, inter alia "subject
to the provisions of the Constitution, appointments, promotions,
transfers and disciplinary control of public officers shall be vested
with the Public Service Commission.
To ensure a more efficient public service we have to provide speedy
solutions to the problems of the working people. A single Commission
found it difficult to cope with the heavy volume devolving upon it.
Despite the Constitutional requirement in 57 (1), the Commission
failed to appoint sub-committees. The Commission was adequately
empowered to delegate its powers to Heads of Departments or any other
This never did materialize. Having observed all these lapses and
shortfalls we have incorporated into the new Amendment the special
provision, "As specifically stated by the Cabinet of Ministers...", so
that the Commission has no alternative but to strictly comply with the
Cabinet directive. Accordingly the new Amendment has provided for
delegation and decentralization of power and empowerment as well.
We have made the police, a true service to the people, having shed
its military outlook. We drew the police much closer to the people - 'a
peoplized police.'
The tenth objective deals with media freedom. This Commission had its
control only over Rupavahini and SLBC. The ITN did not come under its
purview. The Independent Elections Commission has been given adequate
powers to treat all media institutions equally since we firmly subscribe
to the principle of "equality before law."
We have made one more amendment. These Commissions including the
Public Service Commission did not come under the financial control of
Recruitments were made contrary to the accepted rules and regulations
and procedures.
The staff of all these Commissions are now deemed to be public
officers - subject to Government regulations.The new Constitutional
amendments have treated the staff of the Elections Department as that of
the Elections Commission.
We said we would safeguard the Presidency and make it accountable to
Parliament. Altogether 6,015,934 people voted for the Mahinda Chintana -
Idiri Dekma.
I would also like to explain as to why the bill has been tabled in
Parliament as an urgent one. The President needs the strength and
support of all to 'deliver the goods' during his second term as pledged.
A stable Government is indispensable.
It was S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike and my late father who formed the
SLFP and gave it the necessary muscle to rule the country. The Members
of Parliament should have the right to change their political
convictions.President Mahinda Rajapaksa restored peace throughout the
length and breadth of the country annihilating the three-decade old
scourge of terrorism.
The President and his Government has the necessary strength to make
Sri Lanka, the 'Wonder of Asia'.
Translated by K.D.M. Kittanpahuwa |