Youth encouraged to take to engineering
by Nilma Dole
More youth should be interested in the engineering sector as there
are plenty of job opportunities, said Nimal Siripala De Silva, Minister
of Irrigation and Water Resources Management at the 104th annual
sessions of the Institute of Engineers last week.
“Most of our Arts students go on strike, asking the government for
jobs, but there are several engineering jobs in the State sector,” the
Minister said.
According to the Minister, the Irrigation Department recently had 63
vacancies for Irrigation Engineers of which only 16 were filled and 76
vacancies for Junior Engineers who have passed their NDT (National
Diploma in Technology) of which only 66 were filled.
“This shows that there are many jobs but we need more youth to be
interested in this area, this would even develop our nation’s technology
and bring benefits to our economy,” he said.The Minister said, “The
Faculty of Engineering at the University of Moratuwa even allows those
without qualifications and graduates from other streams the chance to
enter their faculty if a career change is required.