TradeCard - tapping talent, resources
Rising costs are pushing companies to look beyond China and India as
their source for goods. Sri Lanka, with a growing infrastructure and
expanding resources in industries like apparel and footwear, poses a
significant opportunity.
Companies such as TradeCard, based in New York, are investing in
staff and resources in Sri Lanka to tap into this emerging talent pool
to better service customers throughout Asia.
TradeCard is a cloud based platform that connects brands, retailers
and trading partners around the world, including companies like Guess,
Levi Strauss, MAS and Brandix. Sri Lanka is a perfect fit for TradeCard
for several reasons.
From a technology perspective, TradeCard first began leveraging local
talent by partnering with Sri Lanka based Sabre Technologies, a fully
owned subsidary of MAS Holdings to develop its products.
TradeCard established a formal presence of 70 full time employees.
The growth of Sri Lanka's apparel business was another attraction.
More of TradeCard's customers are seeking a low cost alternative to
source from and as interest grows in Sri Lanka, TradeCard has been able
to hire local staff to engage with new and existing customers and help
them start their business in the region.