Boost for cinnamon exports to EU
European Union has granted Sri Lanka's request for the use of Sulphur
Dioxide in processing cinnamon. EU is an important buyer of 'Ceylon
Cinnamon' and between 5-10 percent of the cinnamon exports have been to
the EU region in the recent past.
Since July 2004 Sri Lanka has encountered problems with a number of
consignments of "Ceylon Cinnamon" exported to the European region on
grounds that consignments contained Sulphur Dioxide (SO2).
The decision by the EU will be huge boost to cinnamon exporters, the
Sri Lankan Embassy in Brussels said.
The cinnamon industry has traditional practices in cinnamon
processing and the use of SO2 in fumigation has been known to the
industry for decades. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) fumigation keeps the
hygienic quality of the cinnamon and it functions as a preservative,
anti-browning agent, and helps in the fixation of the characteristic
golden yellow colour of Ceylon cinnamon.
The Department of Commerce in consultation with the Spices Traders'
Association, Department of Agriculture and the Trade Representation at
Geneva, granted Sri Lanka's request through the World Trade
Organisation. There is no accepted standard established for SO2 in
cinnamon processing.
The International Standard approves the use of 150 mg/kg for
sulphites (including sulphur dioxide) in food categories herbs and
Following continued lobbying by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Brussels,
the EU has granted Sri Lanka's request for recognition of the CODEX
standard on SO2 for cinnamon processing.
Hence the Commission amended their earlier Directive authorising the
use of sulphur dioxide (SO2) in Cinnamon at a maximum level of 150
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) known in trade as Ceylon Cinnamon
has been one of the most important spices since the early evolution of
trade. Cinnamon represents the third largest export agricultural crop of
Sri Lanka. It supports the livelihood of over 70,000 smallholder
cinnamon growers and provides employment to over 350,000 people. Sri
Lanka is the single largest exporter of true cinnamon in the world
accounting for 85% of the world demand for cinnamon.