Lanka, a powerful hub soon in South Asia - Wimal Weerawansa
Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities
Minister Wimal Weerawansa said Western forces are well aware that the
country will move forward in another 10 years under the leadership of
President Mahinda Rajapaksa, it will turn into a powerful country in the
South Asian region which cannot be turned back again. The Minister in an
interview with the Sunday Observer said Western forces don’t want to let
that happen and further they want to destabilise the country. That is
why they are trying to take revenge from the President and the
Government. The Minister is confident that Sri Lanka can successfully
face this challenge as the people are rallying round to face it.
Q: From the time you joined the UPFA you have been signaling
that there is an international conspiracy brewing against Sri Lanka.
With the Darusman report and the Channel 4 documentary can you elaborate
your allegation?
A: As we all know most of the Western countries did not
believe that Sri Lanka would be able to defeat LTTE terrorism. They were
anxiously waiting until we would be defeated in the battlefront. But we
successfully defeated LTTE terrorism. The strategic plan of these
Western countries was aborted due to that. Their intention was to create
a Tamil Eelam, but their plan was not successful.
In order to realise their goal, these Western countries spent a huge
amount of money and sacrified their time and energy. According to them
it was President Mahinda Rajapaksa who threw their plan into disarray by
taking a bold decision to end the war against terrorists. As a result,
their money, time and energy were all in vain. Their intention was to
divide Sri Lanka and create a separate state similar to Israel in South
Asia. But they could not implement their plan of creating another
Israel. Therefore, they have decided to take revenge.
These Western forces are determined they should not provide room for
other countries to follow this example set up by Sri Lanka. As a result,
they are of the view, that President Mahinda Rajapaksa who took that
stubborn decision to defeat terrorism should be punished without leaving
any room to other world leaders to follow him. That is why they are
staging this drama of war crimes. UN Secretary General Ban ki-moon was
the key person behind this drama. Later he appointed another three
persons to look into these war crime charges. They have issued a report
giving a new interpretation to these so-called war crimes charges.
The next drama was played by Channel 4. They presented their drama by
putting the name of the American film “killing field” which was a film
about human killings in Cambodia. Through all these acts they attempted
to create a world opinion that the Sri Lankan President, the Defence
Secretary, the military top brass and war heroes should be held
responsible for these war crimes charges and that they should be brought
before the International War Tribunal. They are of the view a warrant
should be issued for them by the International War Tribunal. At present
they have launched their operation to attract world opinion to get this
warrant issued.
Q: British Prime Minister David Cameron, British South Asia
Minister Alistair Burt, Former Foreign Secretary Miliband and his French
counterpart Krushner seem to be taking Sri Lanka to task. Why is this?
A: As I mentioned earlier they have to take revenge from us.
In order to achieve their target, they are going from plan to plan.
First they issued a US State Department report and after that the
Darusman report was released. As the latest development they have
released a one hour doctored video documentary of ‘Channel 4’. They are
reaching the target systematically, most probably in September or at the
next session of the UN Human Rights Council to be held in Geneva.
These Western countries will attempt to pass a resolution against Sri
Lanka to conduct a UN inquiry about alleged war crimes. With that
objective they conducted a program and screened that film ‘Killing
Fields’ for permanent representatives of UN member countries. However,
Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative at the United Nations, Dr. Palitha
Kohona and Deputy Permanent Representative Major General Shavendra Silva
once again threw the plan into disarray. If they pass their resolution,
they will appoint a UN expert panel similar to the UN expert panel
appointed to look into nuclear weapons in Iraq. Then that expert panel
will come to Sri Lanka and find some bones of people and some witnesses.
They will then issue a report that there is credible information on
war crimes charges in Sri Lanka and the International War Tribunal
should investigate this. They have also an intention to change the
political atmosphere in Sri Lanka by that time. According to their map,
when a UN panel makes that statement on that day and the International
war Tribunal issue that warrant, then they want to change the political
atmosphere in Sri Lanka. That is why they have vested this contract to
the UNP, JVP, NGOs and other groups which are in favour of Tamil
separatism. These political parties and groups attempt to create a
situation similar to Tunisia, Libya and some countries in the Middle
African region. They get onto the streets and pelt stones at the Police
and get one or two workers killed by branding the Government as a
murderous government. The intention of these political parties is to
artificially create an anti-government trend in Sri Lanka. Both
operations are being instigated simultaneously together.
They are well aware that if this country moves forward under the
present leadership, another 10 years with stability, this country will
turn into a powerful country in the South Asian region. They don’t wan’t
that to happen. They want to destabilise our country. That is why they
are trying to take revenge from the President and the Government. I
believe we can successfully face this challenge.
Q: Like Sri Lanka suffered for years from terrorism, South
Africa too was a victim to the “white man’s” rule. But South Africa
endorsed the Darusman Report. Why is this?
A: Among the countries in the African region, South Africa has
turned into a country which maintains a close relationship with the
West. South Africans think that the Sri Lankan Tamil people also have
the same problem which black Africans had in South Africa. In South
Africa, a small amount of white people who came from to South Africa had
surrendered the majority of indigenous black people there. Tamil
separatists have given a wrong interpretation to them that a minority of
Sinhala people control the majority of Tamil people in Sri Lanka.
Therefore a country like South Africa has been compelled to maintain
this wrong stand on Sri Lanka as they have been highly influenced by
Tamil separatist ideology. Today the African Union led by South Africa
has become helpless regarding the Libyan issue as well. Because they are
not in a position to directly select their own strategies and go against
the Western strategies as they have been subservient to the West.
Therefore this move taken by South Africa can be described as an
expression of subservience to the West.
Q: The Western World talks of integrity when commissions are
appointed. Marzuki Darusman, Jasmin Sooka and Steven Ratner appear to be
prejucided against Sri Lanka. Can anybody say then that the report is
A: The pro-LTTE Tamil diaspora gave money to Darusman panel
members. They got that money and formulated that report in favour of the
LTTE. The entire world knows about this. The UN Secretary General wanted
to formulate a report from pro-LTTE elements due to pressure from the
West. He cannot issue such a report by using the official logo of the
UN. He can’t use the UN Security Council or the UN Human Rights Council
for that purpose. But he has to issue some report under the UN label due
to pressure exerted on him. Therefore he decided to appoint this three
member panel and release this report. I don’t think anybody in the world
who knows about their credentials will accept this report.
Q: Are you in favour of the Right to Information Act?
A: We accept the people’s right to information. Even today
this right has been safeguarded to a large extent. Two hundred and
twenty five members in Parliament are the people’s representatives.
Except for very sensitive information on defence, these 225 MPs can
obtain any information from Parliament. If the people’s sovereignty is
represented by these Parliamentarians and their right to information has
been ensured, it can also be described as the people’s right to
information. Anybody has the legal right to obtain information through
courts or any other way. Instead of ensuring the people’s right to
information, the Bill moved by UNP Karu Jayasuriya in Parliament has
been formulated to assist attempts made by various forces to create an
unstable situation in Sri Lanka.
This Bill is also similar to the independent commissions. Its outward
appearance is very good, but after these independent commissions are
established, the state mechanism will have nothing to do and a group of
pensioners will try to govern the country. Those who rule the country
should be able to conduct their ruling. If the ruling is wrong, it
should be able to remove them. But these are reforms which would prevent
A or B to continue his ruling. The bill moved by Karu Jayasuriya is also
such a tactic. We should not fall prey to such traps. We would
definitely dedicate ourselves for the people’s right to information and
we accept the people’s right to know about any information. But that
does not mean we should provide room for certain elements to destabilise
the country.
Q: Western countries demand that the Emergency, PTA and Sri
Lankan Army from the North be withdrawn. Is it within their right to
raise this type of question from an independent and sovereign country?
A:This is the problem. They still think Sri Lanka is a puppet
colony belonging to them. It is not only for Sri Lanka, they maintain
this same attitude with several other countries as well. These Western
countries make such statements from time to time as they still harbour
misunderstandings with our country. It is entirely upto us to decide
whether our Army should be kept in the North, the East or within the
entire country. The US embassy or anybody cannot take decisions
regarding this. Whatever comment they made, that is not of any
consequence to us. The country’s leader and the Defence Minister has
been entrusted with the entire responsibility of taking decisions on
security matters. They will take those decisions and nobody can
Q: Being an ardent Marxist and representing a revolutionary
party, what made you join the UPFA and hold a ministerial portfolio?
A: We saw the JVP being systematically withdrawing from its
role. It was expected to play. Specially after the 2005 Presidential
Election, the JVP leadership attempted to ignore the patriotic path
based on various petty reasons. Its outcome can be seen very clearly
today. At present the JVP is armed with the slogan of demanding the
release of LTTE prisoners. This same slogan is in the hands of
Pakyasoththi Saravanamuttu. Jehan Perera, international pro-LTTE Tamil
diaspora and JVP General Secretary Tilvin Silva. This shows that the JVP
has given up its patriotic path and entered a political agenda
favourable to NGOs and Tamil separatism which earlier belonged to Dr.
Wickramabahu Karunaratne. Anyway we saw a massive derailment of the JVP
and we engaged in a lot of effort to prevent it.
We launched a big struggle within the Central Committee. It’s ended
without quitting the party. But we responded to it in a challenging
manner. If we did not join the Government at that time, I think we would
have not been able to win the war against terrorists in that manner. We
contributed immensely to build the public view to win the war. If the
people had any doubt, we eased that doubt. We could create the necessary
political stability which helped the Security Forces to continue their
battle with an open mind. We are happy about the decision taken by us.
As a Minister, I have been able to contribute towards the attempts made
by the Government to take forward the country. I will honestly fulfil my
task. So we have no regrets on the decisions taken by us.
Q: Is your own party the National Freedom Front (NFF) still
intact? Is there conflict between the UPFA and the NFF?
A: Some of our policies are equal while there are small
differences between the policies of the UPFA and the NFF. Though we have
some differences, we should be able to do our political work on behalf
of the country by always giving priority to the similarities. Among our
policies, we have more similarities rather than disparities. Therefore
we have the strength to work together.
Q: The Opposition and some civil organisations allege rampant
corruption in Government’s departments. What measures have been taken to
eliminate this menace?
A: We have to admit there was a severe setback within the
country’s political mechanism and public sector during the past three
decades of war history. At present the political mechanism is
systematically recovering from this setback due to laudable decisions
taken under the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. This UPFA
Government has been in power since 2004. If any other Government was in
power more than five years, allegations would have been levelled against
even some Ministers regarding corruption.
As we know, various allegations were levelled against some Ministers
during the regime of the Chandrika Kumaratunga Government on Thawakkal
and Channel 9 incidents. During that period various allegations were
also levelled against the sale of SriLankan Airlines as well. Although
this Government has completed more than five years, the Opposition has
not been able to make any corruption charge against the President or any
Minister. According to past history, when the war was conducted those
days, newspapers were full of news items on corruption and fraud that
had taken place during the war.
But this Government could successfully end the war without leaving
room for anybody to make allegations on corruption. It shows an
operation has been launched within the political mechanism to prevent
corruption. Once the President received information on any incident of
corruption, the President has taken stern action against it.
But as we know, we have not been able to completely eliminate this
menace from the State mechanism or from Government officials.
There are very good and dedicated Government officers while there is
a group of Government officers who are involved in corruption. This is
not a problem which can be solved at once. I am confident we can
systematically face this challenge as well.
Q: There should be a solution to Tamil question but do you
support the move for Police and land powers to provincial
A: Not at all. Police or land powers should not be given to
Provincial Councils. My personal point of view is to continuing the
Provincial Council system is unnecessary waste of public funds. Instead
of Provincial Councils, if we want we can consider a system like the
District Sabha system. At Present Provincial Councils have turned into a
white elephant. In such a situation its totally an unnecessary to give
police and land powers to Provincial Councils.
Q: There is a mega plan to develop Colombo city. What is your
Ministry share in the project?
A: At present the Defence Ministry is engaged in the process
of turning Colombo city into a new and beautiful city. Our Ministry will
also extend its fullest support to make this endeavour a success. The
Defence Ministry has commenced several projects to construct
condominiums to resettle shanty dwellers. Our Ministry has started to
educate and get prepare them to resettle.
The Ministry is also taking steps to modernise and beautify
condominiums under its purview. A country has only one capital.
Specially foreigners will decide the nature of a country based on the
picture of its capital. It is necessary to turn our capital into the
most beautiful city. It would help to uphold the country’s fame as well.
At present this task is progressing very well and Defence Secretary
Gotabaya Rajapaksa is playing a leading role in this regard. Our
Ministry will provide the necessary assistance.
Q: Sri Lanka should maintain its identity as a sovereign
country. What is the path the country should follow to realise this
A: Sri Lanka should move forward by facing these challenges.
There is no future journey without challenges. Those who move towards
the right direction have to face challenges. Whatever challenges are
posed from the West, we have the ability to move forward by successfully
facing those challenges. There is no doubt, if this country will move
forward another 10 years with stability, we would definitely reach a
position where nobody could turn us back. Comparatively we have been
able to reduce unemployment and inflation. We have commenced
strategically important economic development programs like Hambantota
harbour and Mattala International Air Port.
In addition, mega irrigation projects and power plants are under
construction. A large amount of benefits goes to the people through all
these projects. If this journey goes on for the next 10 years, Sri Lanka
will never turn back. That is why there are challenges from various
external forces. But the President and the Government has every ability
to take this country forward by successfully facing these challenges.