Police warn negligent trishaw drivers
The City Traffic Police has warned trishaw drivers countrywide to
refrain from overloading passengers following a series of road accidents
during the past two weeks due to the negligence of trishaw drivers.
According to a spokesman for the City Traffic Police nearly 14
persons including children who travelled in trishaws died during this
period. An incident was reported where a packed trishaw with six members
including a child of the same family had collided with a tipper truck at
the Mawathagama town in Kurunegala around 4.30 am on June 17.
The family had been returning home after a Poson pilgrimage to
According to an eye witness, the driver of the trishaw lost control
of the vehicle due to the heavy load and collided with the truck. All
six persons including the driver and a soldier were killed on the spot.
Another incident was reported from Avissawella, where a father of
four was severely reprimanded and spotfined for keeping his two-year-old
baby girl on his lap while driving his trishaw.
Police Media Spokesman Prishantha Jayakody told the Sunday Observer
that only three passengers could travel comfortably in a trishaw.
“Although trishaw drivers are fully cognizant about traffic rules and
regulations, most of them violate this purely for the purpose of earning
a fast buck”.
Jayakody warned trishaw drivers to refrain from overloading their
vehicles and also overtaking other vehicles, especially during traffic