Daring twilight robbery in the Pettah
It was around 5.30 pm when most shop keepers were getting ready to
close the business premises after a hard days work when five persons
including a Police Constable and an Army Sergeant and four others clad
in civilian clothes barged into a shop at Second Cross Street and robbed
cash amounting to Rs. 70 lakhs under the pretext of checking their
business activities.
The private company at Second Cross Street, Pettah had prospered over
the years by exporting oysters to the Far East, Middle East and to a few
European countries. Apart from their core business of exporting oysters
the company also dabbled in the currency market which raked in enormous
amounts of money to their kitty. Meanwhile, underworld members in
Colombo got wind of their business and kept a close tab on the company
and the movements of its employees. According to police their idea was
to stage a big time robbery involving police and army personnel. The
underworld men who had links with corrupt police and army personnel
tipped off the big business at the Second Cross Street in Pettah in
It was a daring robbery that took place on May 27 this year around 5
p.m in the evening at Second Cross Street Pettah. The robbery however
was reported to the Pettah Police Crime branch around 9 p.m after the
manager was abducted along with Rs. 70 lakhs. The policemen were baffled
when they heard about the robbery. Five men altogether, some clad in
police and army uniforms stormed into the export company. Who could they
be wondered the policemen at the Pettah Crime Branch. How could it
happen when stringent security measures were in place in Pettah, being
the financial hub of Colombo.
The five men walked right up to the manager and took him by surprise.
The men told the manager they were investigating the company’s financial
dealings and forcibly opened his drawer. Thereafter they began emptying
the drawer stocked with bundles of currency notes which they put into a
sack. Three robbers dragged the manager outside his shop, bundled him
into a three wheeler taxi and rode off in the direction of Ja-Ela along
with the loot, a senior police officer told the Sunday Observer.
According to police it was a well executed and a daring robbery where
robbers got away with Rs. 7 million cash within a matter of 20-25
minutes. While on their way to Ja-Ela, a robber alighted from the
three-wheeler at Armour Street, Colombo with the bag containing the loot
and disappeared into the crowd. It was twilight when the robbers arrived
at Ja-Ela making it difficult for anyone to notice what went on under
the cover of darkness.
The robbers then warned the manager severely, not to divulge anything
to the police and jettisoned him at a lonely spot and proceeded towards
Seeduwa. The thoroughly bruised victim later picked himself up and found
his way back to the Second Cross Street shop where frightened employees
kept vigil at their work place. The victim then narrated the ordeal to
the startled employees. “Fortunately they did not harm me while they
emptied the cash from the drawer,” he to told his startled employees.
The manager later called over at the Pettah Crime branch and lodged a
complaint regarding the robbery and the abduction.
Following the daring robbery, the acting IGP N.K. Illangakoon
instructed DIG Colombo Anura Senananyake to investigate and apprehend
the robbers forthwith. Thereafter Director of the Colombo Crime Division
(CCD) Superintendent of Police, D.R.L. Ranaweera commenced
investigations by detailing two police teams to nab the robbers. The
Colombo Crime Division (CCD) sleuths then got down to business by
recording a detailed statement of the manager who gave a vivid
description of the robber who was clad in a police uniform.
Technical branch policemen were then summoned to the Colombo Crime
Division (CCD) where they sketched the picture of the robber policeman.
For almost a month the detectives began gathering secret information of
the heist by tracing down the mobile phone numbers etc. Finally they
were able to trace the rogue policeman at the Seeduwa police station.
The description of the sketch matched perfectly to the rogue policeman.
When it was crystal clear that a policeman was involved in the heist,
detectives proceeded to Seeduwa police station and took into custody the
policeman for interrogation.
The rogue police constable had served the department for twenty
years. He was grilled for several hours at the Colombo Crime Division
headquarters regarding the heist. Finally he broke down and confessed
that several army officers were also involved in the robbery. Following
the revelation detectives arrested a Staff Sergeant attached to an Army
unit in Colombo. He too was grilled for several hours when he confessed
that another Army Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) and a Corporal and a
Home Guard were involved in the heist. When a police team went to arrest
them they found that the men had not reported for duty and were
absconding. Subsequently police came to know that the men were on the
run. Meanwhile two Police teams have been detailed to apprehend three
civilians including Home Guard.
Police have recovered around Rs. 12 million of the loot which was in
the possession of the police and Army Sergeant. The three-wheeler taxi
used for the robbery was traced and driver arrested. Police suspect that
more service personnel are linked to the robbery.