St. John's Panadura grounds ready for big - time cricket
by A.C. de Silva
CRICKET: St. John's College, Panadura - a school well-known for
cricket in the past, got a cherished dream become a reality yesterday. A
playground was what the school yearned for all these years and Minister
of Education Bandula Gunawardena declared open the ground in the company
of Sri Lanka cricket chief D.S. de Silva. In the good old days, Cyril
Jansz who was the principal of the school then at the time it was handed
over to the government in January 1957 had made arrangements to migrate
to Australia. But before doing that Cyril Jansz had a dream to construct
a playground for the many up-and-coming children.
However, due to other priorities, and involvements his idea to be put
off, but Cyril Jansz had reserved the land for the playground.
The playground has now become a reality for cricket at long last in
July 2011.
There was much talk and discussions on the erection of a cricket
ground and finally it fell on D.S. De Silva who was appointed the
consultant School Cricket Development and Advisor to President Mahinda
Rajapaksa on cricket to do the finishing touches to the project. "D.S"
gave the St. John's authorities a patient hearing and being the clever
worker that he is, a cricket playground has now be come a reality.
But before 'D.S' came on the scene, Minister of State Leslie
Gunawardena, Brig Douglas Ramanayake, the Vice - President of the
Association of Old Johnians put in a lot of work to get the playground
work moving . The first part of the ground was opened on 12th August
1977 by Brig. Douglas Ramanayake.
Besides this cricket project, Johnians have fared prominently in
international affairs and brought honour to the country.
To name some .... Professor G.P. Malalasekera, Professor Nandasena
Rathnapala, gate Mudaliyar Edmend Dias, Professor Ediriweera Sarath
Chandra, Dr. Punchi Bandara Sannasgala, Minister Valentine Jayawickrema,
Dr. M.V.P. Peiris, Dr. Colvin R. de Silva, Dr. S. A. Wickramasinghe.
Lalith Athulathmudali, Sir Susantha de Fonseka (M.P.) A. C.
Gooneratne, P.C) Leo Fernando (M.P.), Stanley Senanayake (I.G.P.) Dr.
Premasiri Khemadasa, Neil C. Perera.