TKS Finance boosts share capital with another Rs. 100 m
The Rajya Abhimana personal loan scheme, offered to the government
sector employees is one of the current key products of TKS Finance Ltd.
By offering this product, TKS Finance, the newest company that entered
the financial sector five months ago in August 2011, has already proven
its promise of getting away from the beaten track with the introduction
of novel products for the benefit of the public, a spokesman for the
company said.
To further strengthen the capacity of the company to offer many more
such novel public beneficial products and based on the successful
experience already gained with the Rajya Abhimana the chairman of TKS
Finance - Malaysian business tycoon - Dato Seri Tiong King Sing has
infused another Rs. 100 m into the share capital of the company.
CEO of TKS Finance Ltd. Rasika Kaluarachchi said that with the Rs.
100 m, the total share capital has now reached a substantial Rs. 300 m,
which is far above the Central Bank of Sri Lanka stipulated core-capital
requirement. |