Police come down hard on unroadworthy vehicles
police has come down hard on some vehicle drivers and vehicle owners who
do not pay much attention on the running condition of their vehicles.
According to police records, at least 50 percent of road accidents in
the recent past were due to mechanical defects in the vehicles. Police
Media spokesman, Ajith Rohana called upon drivers to check the more
important parts of their vehicles, especially the brakes before driving
on roads, highways as well as expressways.
Referring to Wednesday's accident at Kalutara which occurred after
12.00 midnight, the Police media spokesman said that many drivers who
own old vehicles are in the habit of using plastic cans with petrol to
supply fuel to the engine through a tube. He said the accident at
Kalutara was an eye-opener to all drivers who use plastic cans of petrol
to fuel the engine.
He, cautioned vehicle owners to refrain from doing so in future.
"Even fuel being carried in empty plastic cans could be dangerous,".
Police media spokesman Ajith Rohana also called upon driving school
instructors to advise learner drivers on the gravity of falling asleep,
driving under the influence of liquor, not using seat belts, smoking
cigarettes and using mobile phones while driving.
A Senior Police officer said if a driver falls asleep or take a call
on his mobile while driving, it is best to park the vehicle on the left
side of the road without obstructing other vehicles or pedestrians.