ICS celebrates 25th anniversary
The Sri Lanka Branch of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (ICS),
celebrates twenty-five years of service to the local maritime industry,
in grooming the shipping professional of tomorrow.
The ICS was founded in 1911 and obtained the 'Royal Charter' in 1921,
is one of the oldest professional institutions existing for over hundred
years, during which time it has grown having expanded with a network of
branches spread over the different continents.
It is widely accepted as the only professional body that sets the
highest standards of professional service to the shipping industry world
Significantly, the 'Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers - UK'
celebrated its centenary in Greenwich, London in May last year.
Following this, the various ICS Branches spread globally continued
the 'Centenary Celebrations' in their own locality culminating for the
present moment with the Chennai Centenary Celebrations followed by a
two-day international seminar, in November, 2011.
The Sri Lanka branch will celebrate on February 9 and 10, 2012.
Elaborate plans are under way for the celebrations a part of which
will include a half-day 'International Seminar' on the theme 'Economic
Crisis in the West and it's Implications on Ports, Shipping and
According to sources an expert panel of international speakers from
the United States of America, the United Kingdom and also Sri Lanka are
expected to make presentations. The seminar is expected to draw a cross
section of the local shipping community comprising shipping agencies,
freight forwarding community, exporters/importers, Port of Colombo, the
banking/trade fraternities and also the logistics industry.
The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers based in London - President
Alan Marsh, Chairman Tony Dixon, immediate Past President, Richard Sayer,
immediate past Chairman Kevin Shakesheff, former Chairman Bruce Ogilvy
and Professional Educationist and former Director Mrs. Barbara Fletcher
are expected to be present.