Independence - a precious human possession
by Kalakeerthi Edwin Ariyadasa
“For what avail the plough or sail or land or life,
if freedom fail?”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Some of the most glorious things of life defy deft definition.
Freedom - Independence are among those precious human possessions, that
thwart our best efforts to describe adequately.
What one savant said is quite apt in this context. These were his
words of wisdom: “the splendour and the glow of summer, are best
appreciated, when we begin to shiver in winter’s relentless cold. So, is
the blessing of Independence.
It is only when we are bereft of it, that we begin to yearn for it
The quintessence of this elusive concept, has been dexterously
captured by Indian writer Mulk Raj Anand, in one of his short stories: A
little child goes into a Carnival Ground, clinging to his mother’s hand.
The child sees a balloon seller.
”I want a balloon”, says the child. Mother pulls the child away,
disregarding his plea.
Next, it is a sweetmeat – stall.
‘I want those sweets’, says the child.
Mother doesn’t listen to him.
Eventually they pass toy shops, dress displays, and various vendors
who sell items attractive to the child. Mother pulls him along in spite
of the child’s pleas.
Milling crowd
In the milling crowd, the child misses the mother’s hand and is
stranded. He begins to scream. The organisers rush to him and try to
comfort him.
"Do you need balloons?” They ask the child.
"No I don’t want balloons. I need my mother.”
The organisers offer him all the things the mother denied him –
sweets, toys, dresses. But, the child is not comforted. He needs his
Thus it is, with Independence. We may receive whatever we yearn for.
But, bereft of the comforting presence of the spirit of Independence,
all those precious things do not have a sustaining meaning.
Loss of Independence
As a nation, we deeply experienced the anguish of the loss of
Independence, way back in 1815. On March 2, 1815, a group of Chieftains
handed over our Independence to the British Empire, through the
instrumentality of the Kandyan Convention. We were not vanquished in
war. But, those men who negotiated at the time with the British, felt
that this was but a temporary arrangement and that our age-old monarchy
would be eventually restored. It was never to be.
The people were devastated. When they awoke fully to the
unprecedented national loss, they realised with torturing pangs, that
their long–cherished Independence was gone.
We are the only nation in the world with an uninterrupted written
history, spanning more than 24 centuries. As chronicled in Mahawamsa and
Culawamsa, 186 monarchs reigned in our royal line. From Vijaya the first
monarch to Sri Wickrema Rajasinghe, the last king of the land.
Unified effort
From 1815 on, in an admirably unified effort all sections of the
nation came together to wage a peaceful campaign to regain our lost
Independence in one fell-swoop.
This unswerving national determination culminated in Sri Lanka
regaining its Independence on February 4, 1948, after 133 years of
soul-searing loss of Independence.
Just 64 years ago, once again we achieved the stature of Free and
Independent Nationhood.
But, harrowing misfortune continued to stall us for more than thirty
– years, during our 64-year-long period of Independence.
The world’s most horrendous terrorism, burst upon us, when we were
getting ready to enjoy the fruits of newly-won Independence, in a serene
and tranquil atmosphere.
The heartless terrorists, blew all our beautiful dreams into
smithereens. There was no place, no nook, no corner, in Sri Lankan life
that was not touched by the guilt–smeared, blood–soaked hands of the
inhuman terrorists. Nothing was sacred to them. Temples, Monasteries,
Kovils, Mosques and innocent religious devotees, were all a prey to
those diabolical terrorists.
Profound angst pervaded the life of this gentle land. Husbands and
wives left home, awaited with deep anxiety, the safe return of their
spouses. Trepidation gripped the hearts of parents, and guardians when
their children were at school.
Sudden death lurked everywhere. Buses and trains, public and private
vehicles were all venues for bursting bombs - or targets for suicide
Innocent Bhikkhus on their compassionate way to rituals, became
victims of horrendous mass assassinations. World–reputed sites of sacred
worship were targeted upon brutally. Men and women of prominence, Prime
Ministers, Ministers, leaders of society and Armed Forces were
relentlessly massacred.
No respite
There was no respite to these cruel Islandwide waves of horror -
As for the people, each breath was a sigh of pain. Sleep was a
nightmare. In some regions, the forest was the night-shelter for
families. The demented forces of terrorism, did not spare, men, women or
children - or even pregnant mothers. Freedom and Independence were
tarnished and taunted.
In this darkest hour of Sri Lanka’s long sweep of history, hope had
dimmed to the last flicker.
Who will save this land? Who will stem this bloody wave of human
destruction? Who will restore the meaning of freedom of Independence and
of unhindered living.
Then came, President Mahinda Rajapaksa. He prioritised the
inescapable target – the total and comprehensive eradication of
life–engulfing terrorism.
"I am fully determined, and totally committed to the relentless
eradication of terrorism” said President Mahinda Rajapaksa. And, so was
it done - by President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
In an unprecedented display of mercy and compassion, those innocents
who fled the dreaded terrorism, escaping its heartless leaders, were
received with cordiality by the security forces and the Police. Where
else could such humanity prevail? Ruthless terrorism, was fully swept
Again, people of our gentle and compassionate land can breathe
freely. Their sighs are no longer those of deep-rooted sorrow. Now,
those sighs are sighs of relief, freedom and Independence.From the time
President Rajapaksa, worshipped mother Sri Lanka on his return to the
island at the end of terrorism, Independence has taken on a new and
wholesome significance.
After February 1948, We celebrate Independence in an entirely new
spirit of freshly won liberty-freedom and Independence.
Given this background, we celebrate Independence. This signifies a
fresh national responsibility.
The sighs of the days of terrorism should now change into sighs that
proclaim we are truly Independent.
In this atmosphere of new Independence, we can commit ourselves to
transform the terror-torn Sri Lanka into a land of new prosperity and
peace - into the miracle of Asia.
Our ancient kings - especially Parakramabahu the Sixth of Kotte
ushered in an unprecedented era of culture, art and religion, by
enabling them to flourish in an environment of vast peace. Ven. Sri
Rahula symbolised this age.
Today, let us begin to commit ourselves to assist the President to
transform this land into a realm where the fruits of peace - art,
culture, and literature. will flourish in overwhelming abundance.
From today we will be in an era of Independence. |