Sandun receives ‘Dagoba Award’ for cricket
by Upananda JAYASUNDERA - Kandy Sports Special
Dharmaraja College, Kandy had its ‘Colours Nite’ on 27th of January,
2012 at the College Auditorium under the patronage of Brig. N. A.
Dharmaratne, Director Operations of the Sri Lanka Army who is an old boy
of Dharmaraja College. The Principal S. M. Keerthiratne received the
Chief Guest and the other distinguished guests. Secretary of the College
Sports Council, student, C. B. Ekanayake delivered the Vote of Thanks.
teachers, students, parents, old boys and well wishers of the College
participated in this Annual event.
Many students received College Colours for various Sports disciplines
while the following students received the highest Sports Award ‘College
Dagoba’. These students have achieved National or International
standards in Sports.
Athletics: R. W. M. D. D. Bandara, R. T. Lakshitha
Badminton: P. K. Hettiarachchi
Boxing: T. D. Ranasinghe, N. M. Hettiarachchi, S. P. K.
Cadeting: Cdt. Gunawardena, PMI; Cdt. Bandara MMGSPR; Cdt.
Perakotuwa, HPTS; Cdt. Wijeyaneththi MH.
Chess: L. N. Perera, C. N. Ranasinghe, L. M. Hapuarachchi, J.
M. Weerasuriya; H. M. B. M. Seneviratne, A. J. K. D. Bandara, R. M. T.
C. Rajapaksha, A. M. C. Alahakoon.
Cricket: Sandun Weerakkody;
Hockey: B. L. D. M. K. Jayaratne
Rugby: M. V. Hewawasam, L. C. B. Ekanayake
Soccer: H. A. H. D. Chandraratne. |