Dogs were man's best friend 33,000 years ago
28 Jan Daily telegraph
Dogs have been man's best friend for at least 30,000 years, a new
study suggests.
A pair of dog skulls uncovered in digs in Siberia and Belgium, each
33,000 years old, show dogs were domesticated long before any other
animal, including sheep, cows or goats. The skulls had shorter snouts
and wider jaws than wild animals, such as wolves, which use their long
snouts to hunt. It suggests dogs were used for companionship and
protection. Scientists used carbon dating to determine the age of the
skulls, then examined the bone structures. "Both the Belgian find and
the Siberian find are domesticated species based on morphological
characteristics," said Greg Hodgins, researcher at the University of
Arizona's Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Lab. "Essentially, wolves have
long thin snouts and their teeth are not crowded, and domestication
results in this shortening of the snout and widening of the jaws and
crowding of the teeth.
"The interesting thing is that typically we think of domestication as
being cows, sheep and goats, things that produce food through meat or
secondary agricultural products such as milk, cheese and wool and things
like that. "Those are different relationships than humans may have with
The dogs are not necessarily providing products or meat. They are
probably providing protection, companionship and perhaps helping on the
hunt. And it's really interesting that this appears to have happened
first out of all human relationships with animals." |