Fitch affirms Sri Lanka at 'BB-' outlook stable
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Sri Lanka's Foreign- and Local-Currency
IDRs at 'BB-.The outlook for both ratings are stable. The Country
Ceiling has also been affirmed at 'BB-', and the Short-Term Foreign
Currency IDR at 'B'.
"The ratings reflect Fitch's view that the authorities have taken
measures to correct recent pressure on the balance of payments and place
it on a more sustainable trajectory," said Director in Fitch's
Asia-Pacific Sovereign Ratings group.
Philip McNicholas said "Given the weakened state of Sri Lanka's
external finances and a heavy external debt refinancing schedule through
to 2013, the authorities' ability to persist with policies that address
existing macroeconomic imbalances and improving external liquidity is
crucial, he said.
"Although Sri Lanka recorded real GDP growth of over 8 percent for
the second consecutive year in 2011, such economic performance, coupled
with policy missteps, resulted in the current account deficit rapidly
widening to 7.8 percent of GDP from 2.2 percent in 2010.
This, together with the deteriorating external economic environment
and limited currency flexibility, led to balance of payment pressures
and in turn a sharp depletion of foreign exchange (FX) reserves to USD
5.8bn (3.4 months of imports) in January 2012 from USD 8.1bn (equivalent
to 5.7 months of imports) in July 2011.
The pace of deterioration in external buffers, rather than their
level, is Fitch's main focus.