Caltex launch road safety campaign
Around 790 fatal road accidents have been reported since January 1
this year said SSP K. Arasaratnam while addressing a ceremony to launch
the Caltex Road Safety campaign on Wednesday.
He said that around 110 accidents take place daily of which five to
seven are fatal accidents.A fatal accident is reported every four hours.
"Speed, drunk driving, overtaking, sudden turning, carelessness of
pedestrians,un-roadworthy vehicles and fatigue of drivers are some of
the main reasons for accidents in the countrty", he said.
Arasaratnam said that adherence to road rules, the use of seat-belts,
the use of helmets and limiting the number of passengers in
three-wheelers will be strictly followed to reduce the number of
accidents which is increasing daily.
"Programs such as the Caltex Roadshow will help create awareness and
reduce the number of accidents in the country. The Traffic Department
has launched an islandswide program to educate youth in schools of the
importance of observing road rules as a precaution to fatal accidents",
the SSP said.
According to the Sri Lanka Traffic Police around 746 pedestrian
deaths take place a year, and daily two deaths. Around 9414 motor cycle
accidents are reported a year and 26 per day.The number of accidents due
to speeding per year is 5485 and 15 per day.The number of accidents due
to drunk driving per year is 2211 and per day is six.
National Hospital Director, Accident Services Dr. U.P. Ariyawansa
said that a large sum of money is spent daily on patients in intensive
care units due to fatal accidents which could be minimised if road rules
are adhered to properly.
He said that around 1.4 million people die annually due to fatal
accidents and around 2,500 people die a year in Sri Lanka.
Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC launched its new joint project with the
Sri Lanka Traffic Police under the campaign moto 'Drive Wise and Embrace
Life'. The campaign was conceptualised by the company following the
previous campaign 'Caltex Road Star'. - LF