Minister applauds Israel - Sri Lanka ties
by Jayampathy JAYASINGHE
Sri Lanka appreciates the assistance received from Israel
particularly in its fight against terrorism. Israel had been one of the
very few countries that stood by Sri Lanka during the test of time said
the Minister of Productivity Promotion Lakshman Seneviratna, who was the
chief guest at the 64th Independence Day of the State of Israel
celebrations held in Colombo recently.
He said Sri Lanka appreciates and thanks Israel for the long term
assistance for rehabilitation and reconstruction in the aftermath of
2004 Tsunami, sharing their expertise on Water Management and Irrigation
in the Dry Zone.
Israel is one of the few countries that had come forward to join
hands in the post conflict reconstruction and development activities. He
said the excellent relations that have existed between Sri Lanka and
Israel have grown in the fields of economic cooperation, agriculture,
technology, labour, migration etc.
The relations between the two countries have increased rapidly with
the establishment of the Israeli Sri Lanka Parliamentary League which
was established in 2006. The visit to Israel by Sri Lanka's then Prime
Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanyake in 2006 was the turning point in our
bilateral relations. Bilateral agreement on culture, education and
science signed during this visit brought the two countries closer than
ever before.
The visit of Namal Rajapaska, MP the special envoy of President
Mahinda Rajapaksa and the visit of Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva who
led a parliamentary delegation to Israel were the milestones in our
bilateral relations. On an invitation extended by Minister Mahinda Yapa
Abeywardena the Minister of Agriculture, the Israeli Minister of
Agriculture visited Sri Lanka along with an official delegation.