Agri faculty in Kilinochchi
The Higher Education Ministry has decided to establish agriculture
and engineering faculties for the Jaffna University, within a building
complex and 400 acres of land plot at Araviyanagar, Kilinochchi
retrieved from the clutches of LTTE terrorists.
Following a request made by Higher Education Minister S.B.
Dissanayake, the Indian High Commissioner Ashok K. Kantha has pledged to
grant Rs. 500 million from the Indian Government for the construction of
the two faculties, a Higher Education Ministry spokesman told the Sunday
Observer.The Government also intends to spend Rs. 394 million for this
The Indian High Commissioner has also pledged to provide another Rs.
215 million to develop services and other facilities of these faculties
such as library, laboratories, furniture and other facilities, he said.
The Indian High Commissioner has made this assurance following a
visit made to Araviyanagar area in Kilinochchi to inspect the proposed
site of the university with Ministers S.B. Dissanayake, Douglas
Devananda and the Deputy Chairman of Committees of Parliament
Chandrakumar Murugesu. Higher Education Ministry Secretary Dr. Sunicl
Jayantha Nawaratne and Vice Chancellor of Jaffna University Prof.
Vasanthi Arasaratnam also graced the occasion.