Spotlight on problems of 1.7 m Sri Lankan workers in ME
The Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare Ministry will highlight
all unresolved employment related problems and social issues of over 1.7
million Sri Lankan migrant workers, in the Middle East at a three day
international forum today in Amman, Jordan.
The Sri Lankan delegation is led by Foreign Employment Promotion and
Welfare Minister Dilan Perera, while Chairman, Sri Lanka Bureau of
Foreign Employment Amal Senadilankara will make a special statement on
the official and social problems faced by Sri Lankan migrant workers in
foreign countries.
Officials from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the
International Migrants' Organisation (IMO) will make representations at
the Forum.
At least 20 ambassadors will also attend the forum.
Minister Dilan Perera told the Sunday Observer prior to his departure
to Jordan that he, hoped to highlight all important employment matters
including job security, salaries and medical insurance of Sri Lankan
workers at the forum to resolve them.
He said Sri Lankan workers face various social problems at their
workplaces and this often resulted in them quitting their jobs or
seeking other jobs or else return to Sri Lanka unexpectedly before their
contract period expires.
He said the Sri Lankan delegation will also get an opportunity to
study various employment and social problems that are highlighted by
Ambassadors and labour officials of other countries providing