Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 13 May 2012





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

TNA's intransigence, a setback

The Government ranks which responded to the adjournment motion moved by UNP MP Lakshman Kiriella depicted its sincere commitment to implement the LLRC recommendations. It however described the MP's motion as an attempt made to give an assurance to the resolution moved against the Government by certain Western forces at the recent UNHRC sessions held in Geneva.

MP Kiriella who moved the motion on behalf of the Opposition raised several queries in relation to the establishment of Independent Commissions, formulation of laws required for the freedom of information and ensure media freedom. The motion created a platform for both Government and the Opposition members to comment on the implementation of the LLRC recommendations, the role played by the media and the country's current political situation.

Acting Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardene who first responded to MP Kiriella's speech was of the view that the motion is an organised attempt with the help of diaspora to discredit the Government and give an assurance to the Western forces to realise their goal. Kiriella who interrupted the Acting Minister denied the allegation levelled against him and pointed out he has not mentioned even a single word in his motion about Geneva. However the Acting Minister who did not endorse the point made by Kiriella firmly stood by his idea.

MP Kiriella in his motion proposed that laws required for the immediate establishment of Independent Commissions and freedom of information should be formulated. He stressed that elections held without appointing Independent Commissions and without ensuring media freedom will not be recognised. The Acting Media Minister who countered the allegations levelled by the MP made a clear analysis on the existing number of state and private media institutions in the country.

He said when 32 private media institutions operate within the country, the Government has only four media institutions. He also reminded the House about the comment made by Kiriella to the media that any idiot can conduct the war.

He pointed out the number of articles and news stories published in newspapers against the President and the Government is a clear reflection on the media freedom in Sri Lanka. Minister Abeywardene noted this kind of attitude would not help the Opposition to win elections. The patriotic people have a feeling about their motherland. Just like the UNP joined hands with the TNA to hold a joint May Day rally in Jaffna, he invited the UNP to come to the Parliamentary Select Committee with the TNA. He stressed the need for extending the UNP's genuine assistance to sort out the problem faced by Tamils.

DNA MP Anura Kumara Dissanayake who joined the debate made the point that statements made by the Government Ministers shows that the country has not been able to move forward even by a single day after the eradication of terrorism on May 19, 2009. If the Opposition attempts to point out any issue relating to human rights or good governance, the Government always attempts to interpret it as the voice of pro-LTTE diaspora or the LTTE. Dissanayake said the Government should realise this is the voice of the country's people and not the voice of LTTE diaspora.

The MP who was critical about the role of the media queried what action has been taken regarding the assault of journalists and arson attacks on some private media institutions. The MP who also expressed views on the upcoming Provincial Council polls posed a challenge to the Government to hold all the Provincial Council elections on a single day. If the Government is not doing so, that shows it is not sincere about conducting a free and fair election.

TNA Parliamentarian M.A. Sumanthiran also stressed that as responsible Members of Parliament it is their duty to remind the Government that it cannot bring the country to a slippery slope. The MP drew the attention of the House that, when a motion of national importance is being debated in Parliament one Senior Minister in the front row of the Government benches was asleep. Sumanthiran who also expressed his views regarding the TNA's participation in the PSC informed the House that there must be an action plan to involve the TNA and other Opposition political parties in the PSC.

Industry and Commerce Minister Rishad Bathiudeen told the House that LLRC recommendations should be looked at from a reasonable point of view. He stressed the importance of standing for a united Sri Lanka regardless of political affiliations as this country belongs to everybody. The Minister was optimistic on the implementation of the LLRC recommendations as the President has created a mechanism to implement them.

UNP MP Mangala Samaraweera in his speech expressed his displeasure over the disgraceful manner shown by the Government ranks when a motion of national and international importance is debated in the House. The MP told in lighter vein that the SLFP is in decline and a few old UNPers who crossed over to the Government side can be seen in the Chamber to respond to the queries raised by the Opposition.

Samaraweera told the House he actually expects an answer from the External Affairs Minister Prof G.L. Peiris for this motion. He was of the view that a responsible Minister should respond to the motion.

The House also commended the moves taken by the COPE under the chairmanship of Senior Minister D.E.W. Gunasekera to investigate into the affairs of 229 state institutions and submit its report before Parliament. The Government through the mandate given to the COPE showed its genuine desire to clean up state institutions. However, referring to the comment made by the Chief Opposition Whip John Amaratunga at the outset of the debate, Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa informed the House at least three to four days must be allocated for the debate on the COPE report due to issues pertaining to it.

Leader of the House Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva told the House the time allocation for the debate was decided at the Party Leaders meeting where the Opposition agreed to a single day's debate and now it was too late to change. Minister Gunasekera on a reply given to MP Kiriella as the chairman of COPE told the House about the impartial role played by COPE. The Minister pointed out how the COPE could find out a Government vehicle which had been gone missing for eight years within eight days with the help of the CID. He also warned, if the Heads of the CID and the Bribery and Corruption Commission will not implement the recommendations made by the COPE, it has powers to summon them before the Parliament.

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