Wedding Sam cooks up stories with Tea-Run
Politically bankrupt Wedding Sam met Tea-Run Potato to draw up a new
strategy. Sam induced Tea-Run to publish a concocted story in his rag
sheet called motherland that there is an ongoing operation to topple the
governing types as several Em Pees would join the Opposition. His cooked
up story was ultimately 'planted' as the lead story in today's edition.
Orders to sideline Love-Slave
Ra-Blue has ordered the chief whip that is Opposition to scrap the
speeches of Saa-jeet the Love-Slave at the House of Diyawanna so that he
could be cut down to size. Accordingly, Love-Slave was not given an
opportunity to speak at the human rights debate while Sun Kind-Leader
and Ah-Jeet Pera had been allocated slots from the Opposition.
Files for four Green rebels opened
Ra-Blue has opened individual files against the four Green Em Pees
who flouted his orders and attended the Premadasa commemoration,
skipping the party's official May Day rally in Jaffna. Separate files
have been opened for Ka-Roo, Buddi-Car, Kind Siri and Gingerly-Tha at
the Kotha that is Siri so that Ra-Blue could checkmate them at any time!
Shady officials eat humble pie
Shady officials who made athletics a business demanded a secret vote
at the recent elections that is track and field. They had received perks
from various parties, which had been throwing money like nobody's
business, assuring votes. However, sporty New-Gamage was smart enough
and played clean, following the constitution by a show of hand. All
deals went for a six and the right men were eventually elected.