The curative power of Girimananda Sutta
By Premasara EPASINGHE
The discourse to Girimananda Thera called 'Girimananda Sutta'
consists of 18 stanzas or verses in the Pirith Poth Vahanse, the Noble
Book of Protection. It is extracted from Anguttara Nikaya. The other two
that belongs to Anguttara Nikaya are Paccavekkhana and Dasadhamma Sutta
in the Chaturbhanavarapali in the Great Book of Protection known in
Sinhala as the Maha Pirith Potha .
It is not a separate book in the Pali Canon, but is an anthology of
Suttaon etch culled out from the five Nakayama. In Paoli, it is known as
Cato - Paraphernalia - or the text of the four recitals.
During the last four or five decades medical men engaged in research
in medicine have found thet causes of diseases, organic and functional
are directly caused by mental states. Sometimes people become ill
because of mind. There are five Spirit Sutton in the Ruthie Bavarian
Section. They are Mahakassapa Thera Bojjanga - Maha Moggallana Thera
Bojjanga - Maha Chuda Thera Bojjanga - Girimananda Sutta and Isigili
Sutta. The three Bojjanga Suttas are extracted from Samyutta Nikaya.
Isigili from Majjima Nikaya and Girimananda - from Anguttara Nikaya.
Unseen power
The Buddhists believe that Girimananda Sutta has some unseen power in
healing the sick. The Sutta was woven around a disciple of the Buddha -
Arahath Venerable Girimananda. According to medical science I understand
that music therapy helps patients, to cure some of their ailments. In
the same way, listening or reciting Pirith is also a great protection.
In fact, Girimananda Sutta, Bojjanga Suttas and Angulimala Sutta. (For
expectant mothers before their delivery they believe listening to
Angulimala Piritha, makes them an easy delivery) are some great Pirith
Suttas for the ailing sick.
There is a belief that Buddha, Dhamma cures all ills, physically and
mentally. Perhaps, the concentration on these Pirith Suttas would have
been considered the cure. I firmly believe that reciting Pirith is a
great protection, which I follow daily in the morning for more than
three decades. I consider it as a great protection upto date.
When the Bhikkhu Girimananda was badly ill, Ven. Ananda informed the
Blessed One about this Bhikkhu's sickness. The Buddha, if the Bhikkhu
Girigirimananda listens to "Ten Kinds of Dasasanna", he will be cured
soon. Ven. Ananda, studied them, in the presence of Buddha.
He (Ananda Thera) visited the sick Monk Girimananda and recited
Girimananda Sutta, and the sick Bhikku was completely cured.
This Sutta proves the scientifically true aspect and impermanence of
our lives, and the value of meditation to achieve the Deathlessness -
bliss of Nirvana.
The discourse of Girimananda was first held at a time, the Buddha was
sojourning in Savatti, at Jeta's Grove (Jetavanaramaya).
The Buddha advised Ven. Ananda to recite the Ten Perceptions (Ten
Upasatikamatu) Quality of Understanding or Insight - ability to see the
true nature of deep understanding. It teaches you the philosophy of the
Buddha. Only the wise men will understand it.
Katama dasa covers perception of impermanence (Anniccasanna),
perception of absence of soul i.e. self (Anattasanna), perception of
impurity (Asubhasanna), perception of danger (adivasanna), the
perception of destruction of passions (Pahanasanna), perception of
dispassion (Viragasanna), the perception of cessation (Nirodhasanna),
the perception of non-delight in the world (Sabbaloke anabhiratasanna),
perception of impermanence (Aniccasanna), mindfulness of breathing in
and out-breathing (Anapansati).
The Buddha explained to Ananda Thera the perception of impermanence.
In Girimananda Sutta it states thus - Katamas (what) perception of
impermanence (Aniccasanna). An indepth study of Girimananda Sutta
clearly shows form, sensation, perception, mental concomitant,
consciousness. They are all impermanent.
The Buddha goes further explaining - Katama Ananda "Annattasanna -
Ananda which is perception of soul.
A bhikkhu in retreat, should realise that eye-form, ear-sound,
nose-smelling, tongue-tastes, body-feelings, mind thoughts are devoid of
soul. He should realise that these internal and external spheres, are
reflective of their soullessness.
Further, the Buddha explained to Ananda Thera.that the entire body
from head to toe is full of impurities.
The Blessed One also explained perception of danger (Asubhasanna and
The Buddha at length explains that the body is full of suffering and
it has many dangers spasmodic afflictions, or pain, suffering and
The Buddha explained in the Girimananda Sutta, his philosophy on the
perception of danger, destruction, dispassion, cessation and non-delight
in the world. He stressed the value of inhaling and exhaling -
Anapanasati Bhavana - The Blessed One advised Ven. Ananda to explain the
Ten Perceptions to Girimananda Thera.
After listening to these Ten Perceptions (Katama Dasa) Ven.
Girimananda was fully cured. |