Sex after heart attacks 'not the preserve of mad men'
12 , May , The Telegraph
Salacious plot lines where middle-aged men die in their lovers' arms
are putting heart attack survivors off sex, say doctors. Television
series like Downton Abbey and Mad Men, and films like Body of Evidence,
feature dramatic scenes where philandering men suffer heart attacks in
bed brought on by the exertion and excitement of it all.
But cardiologists say heart attacks are so rarely brought on by sex
that survivors need not abstain.Less than one per cent of people who die
due to fatal heart attacks do so during or shortly after sex, they say.
According to the American Heart Association, anyone fit enough to
walk up a few flights of stairs should be fit enough to have sex, as
they are equally strenuous.PJ Skerrett, senior editor of Harvard Health,
said the overblown message that sex triggered heart attacks was
"reinforced by television".
"Downton Abbey and Mad Men are just a few series that have used heart
attck after sex as a plot device," he commented.In Downton Abbey, Lady
Mary, played by Michelle Dockery, is left aghast when a Turkish diplomat
dies in her bed after they have made love.Scandal is only averted by the
abbey's womensfolk, who conspire to move him in the middle of the night
to his own bed.In Mad Men, advertising boss Roger Sterling suffers a
heart attack after spending the night with a pair of twins, whom he
shares with a colleague, Don Draper. He survives, and the experience
does not change him.In Body of Evidence, Madonna stars as a woman
accused of having rough sex with an elderly millionaire to kill him and
inherit his fortune.
Last year the sex-triggers-heart-attacks theory was given scientific
backing by a study, published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association. It found that heart attack risk was almost three times
higher in the hour or two after sex than at other times.But Skerrett
said the absolute risk of suffering a heart attack due to sex was very
low indeed.
Writing in a blog, he said a cardiologist called Dr James Muller of
Massachusetts General Hospital had calculated the risks.Skerrett
sumarised: "The absolute risk of heart attack for a 50-year-old man who
exercises regularly is one chance in a million per hour."Tripling that
risk by engaging in sexual activity boosts it to three in one million
per hour, and only for the two-hour period during and after sexual
activity."For a heart attack survivor who is getting back into shape,
the absolute risk of 10 in one million per hour increases to 30 in one
million per hour."In other words, sex can trigger a heart attack, but it
doesn't happen very often."
A new study, published in the American Journal of Cardiology, has
found that far too few cardiologists give heart attack survivors advice
on resuming their sex lives.The survey of 1,879 heart attack patients
found less than half of men and about a third of women recalled
receiving instructions about when it was safe to do so.Dr Stacy Tessler
Lindau, of University of Chicago Medicine, said those who did not
receive advice were far less likely to resume their sex lives than those
who did.
She said: "Doctors need to understand the significant role they play
in helping acute myocardial infarction [heart attack] patients avoid
needless fear and worry about the risk of relapse or even death with
return to sexual activity."Dr Harlan Krumholz, of Yale University School
of Medicine, added: "This study may help doctors address issues that
they're traditionally reluctant to discuss.
"We're showing that addressing sexual health may make a difference to
long-term outcomes."The Department of Health advises that having sex
poses "no increased risk" of a repeat heart attack."If you recover well
after your heart attack, you can have sex again when you feel ready.
This is usually after about four weeks," it states.But for those who
think that this means heart attacks are not triggered by sex, might
still be wrong.
Julian Fellowes, the author of Downton Abbey, revealed last autumn
that the incident of the Turkish diplomat was based on a real event at
the country house of a family friend, in about 1890.And philanderers
should still beware.